2024-10-11 16:47:27 +02:00

3 KiB

+++ disableToc = false hidden = true title = "Version 5.9" type = "releasenotes" weight = -9 +++

5.9.0 (2022-12-23)


  • {{% badge style="warning" title=" " %}}Breaking{{% /badge %}} With this version it is now possible to not only have sections on the first menu level but also pages.

    It was later discovered, that this causes pages only meant to be displayed in the More section of the menu and stored directly inside your content directory to now show up in the menu as well.

    To get rid of this undesired behavior you have two choices:

    1. Make the page file a headless branch bundle (contained in its own subdirectory and called and add the following frontmatter configuration to the file (see exampleSite's content/showcase/ This causes its content to not be ontained in the sitemap.

      {{< multiconfig fm=true >}} title = "Showcase" [_build] render = "always" list = "never" publishResources = true {{< /multiconfig >}}

    2. Store the page file for below a parent headless branch bundle and add the following frontmatter to he parent (see exampleSite's content/more/ Don't give this page a title as this will cause it to be shown in the breadcrumbs - a thing you most likely don't want.

      {{< multiconfig fm=true >}} [_build] render = "never" list = "never" publishResources = false {{< /multiconfig >}}

      In this case, the file itself can be a branch bundle, leaf bundle or simple page (see exampleSite's content/more/ This causes its content to be contained in the sitemap.

      {{< multiconfig fm=true >}} title = "Credits" {{< /multiconfig >}}


  • {{% badge style="note" title=" " %}}Change{{% /badge %}} The required directory name for the attachments shortcode was changed for leaf bundles.

    Previously, the attachments for leaf bundles in non-multilang setups were required to be in a files subdirectory. For page bundles and leaf bundles in multilang setups they were always required to be in a _index.<LANGCODE>.files or index.<LANGCODE>.files subdirectory accordingly.

    This added unnecessary complexity. So attachments for leaf bundles in non-multilang setups can now also reside in a index.files directory. Although the old files directory is now deprecated, if both directories are present, only the old files directory will be used for compatibility.

  • {{% badge style="note" title=" " %}}Change{{% /badge %}} Absolute links prefixed with http:// or https:// are now opened in a separate browser tab.

    You can revert back to the old behavior by defining externalLinkTarget="_self" in the params section of your hugo.toml.


  • {{% badge style="info" icon="plus-circle" title=" " %}}New{{% /badge %}} The theme now supports Hugo's module system.