2023-09-18 20:24:49 +02:00

4.9 KiB

+++ archetype = "home" title = "Hugo Relearn Theme" +++

A theme for Hugo designed for documentation.

[★ What's new in the latest release ★]({{% relref "basics/migration" %}})

Image of the Relearn theme in light and dark mode on phone, tablet and desktop


The theme is a fork of the great Learn theme with the aim of fixing long outstanding bugs and adepting to latest Hugo features. As far as possible this theme tries to be a drop-in replacement for the Learn theme.


  • Wide set of usage scenarios
    • Responsive design for mobile usage
    • Looks nice on paper (if you have to)
    • Usable offline, no external dependencies
    • [Usable from your local file system via file:// protocol]({{%relref "basics/configuration#serving-your-page-from-the-filesystem" %}})
    • Support for the VSCode Front Matter extension for on-premise CMS capabilities
    • Support for Internet Explorer 11
  • Configurable theming and visuals
    • [Configurable brand images]({{%relref "basics/customization#change-the-logo" %}})
    • [Automatic switch for light/dark variant dependend on your OS settings]({{%relref "basics/customization#adjusting-to-os-settings" %}})
    • Predefined light, dark and color variants
    • [User selectable variants]({{%relref "basics/customization#multiple-variants" %}})
    • [Stylesheet generator]({{%relref "basics/generator" %}})
    • [Configurable syntax highlighting]({{%relref "shortcodes/highlight" %}})
  • Unique theme features
    • [Print whole chapters or even the complete site]({{%relref "basics/configuration#activate-print-support" %}})
    • In page search
    • [Site search]({{%relref "basics/configuration#activate-search" %}})
    • [Dedicated search page]({{%relref "basics/configuration#activate-dedicated-search-page" %}})
    • [Taxonomy support]({{%relref "cont/taxonomy" %}})
    • Hidden pages
    • Unlimited nested menu dependend on your site structure
    • Navigation buttons dependend on your site structure
    • [Configurable shortcut links]({{%relref "cont/menushortcuts" %}})
  • Multi language support
    • [Full support for languages written right to left]({{%relref "cont/i18n" %}})
    • [Available languages]({{%relref "cont/i18n#basic-configuration" %}}): Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese
    • [Search support for mixed language content]({{%relref "cont/i18n#search" %}})
  • Additional Markdown features
    • [Support for GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown]({{%relref "cont/markdown" %}})
    • [Image effects like sizing, shadow, border and alignment]({{%relref "cont/markdown#image-effects" %}})
    • [Image lightbox]({{%relref "cont/markdown#lightbox" %}})
  • Shortcodes galore
    • [Display files attached to page bundles]({{%relref "shortcodes/attachments" %}})
    • [Marker badges]({{%relref "shortcodes/badge" %}})
    • [Configurable buttons]({{%relref "shortcodes/button" %}})
    • [List child pages]({{%relref "shortcodes/children" %}})
    • [Expand areas to reveal content]({{%relref "shortcodes/expand" %}})
    • [Font Awesome icons]({{%relref "shortcodes/icon" %}})
    • [Inclusion of other files]({{%relref "shortcodes/include" %}})
    • [Math and chemical formulae using MathJax]({{%relref "shortcodes/math" %}})
    • [Mermaid diagrams for flowcharts, sequences, gantts, pie, etc.]({{%relref "shortcodes/mermaid" %}})
    • [Colorful boxes]({{%relref "shortcodes/notice" %}})
    • [OpenAPI specifications using Swagger UI]({{%relref "shortcodes/openapi" %}})
    • [Reveal you site's configuration parameter]({{%relref "shortcodes/siteparam" %}})
    • [Tabbed panels]({{%relref "shortcodes/tabs" %}})
    • [Single tabbed panels]({{%relref "shortcodes/tab" %}}) and [multiple tabbed panels]({{%relref "shortcodes/tabs" %}})


To get support, feel free to open a new discussion topic or issue report in the official repository on GitHub.


Feel free to contribute to this documentation by just clicking the {{% button style="transparent" icon="pen" %}}{{% /button %}} edit button displayed on top right of each page.

You are most welcome to contribute bugfixes or new features by making pull requests to the official repository. Check the [contribution guidelines]({{%relref "dev/contributing" %}}) first before starting.


The Relearn theme is licensed under the MIT License.


This theme would not be possible without the work of [many others]({{%relref "more/credits" %}}).