2024-10-11 16:47:17 +02:00

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+++ description = "Add 3rd-party dependencies to your site" title = "Extending Client Code" weight = 3 +++

Adding JavaScript or Stylesheets Unconditionally

If you simply want to add additional JavaScript files or CSS stylesheets on every page of your site, you can do so by either adding them in your layouts/partials/custom-header.html or layouts/partials/custom-footer.html partial.

Sometimes this just bloats up your site when only in a few cases those files are really needed. See the next section, on how to conditionally add those dependencies.

Own Shortcodes with JavaScript Dependencies

Certain shortcodes make use of additional dependencies like JavaScript and CSS files. The theme only loads these dependencies if the shortcode is used. To do so correctly the theme adds management code in various files.

You can you use this mechanism in your own shortcodes. Say you want to add a shortcode myshortcode that also requires the jquery JavaScript library.

  1. Write the shortcode file layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html and add the following line

    {{- .Page.Store.Set "hasMyShortcode" true }}
  2. Add the following snippet to your hugo.toml

    {{< multiconfig file=hugo >}} [params.relearn.dependencies] [params.relearn.dependencies.myshortcode] name = "MyShortcode" {{< /multiconfig >}}

  3. Add the dependency loader file layouts/partials/dependencies/myshortcode.html. The loader file will be called from multiple locations inside of the theme with the parameter page containing the current page variable and location with one of the currently defined locations

    • header: if called at the end of the HTML head element
    • footer: if called at the end of the HTML body element
    {{- if eq .location "footer" }}
      <script src=""></script>
    {{- end }}

Character casing is relevant!

  • the name setting in your hugo.toml must match the key (that needs to be prefixed with a has) you used for the store in your layouts/shortcodes/myshortcode.html.
  • the key on params.relearn.dependencies in your hugo.toml must match the base file name of your loader file.

See the math, mermaid and openapi shortcodes for examples.

{{% notice note %}} If you are really into customization of the theme and want to use the dependency loader for your own locations, you can do this by simply calling it from inside of your overriden partials

{{- partial "dependencies.gotmpl" (dict "page" . "location" "mylocation") }}

{{% /notice %}}

React to Variant Switches in JavaScript

Once a color variant is fully loaded, either initially or by switching the color variant manually with the variant selector, the custom event themeVariantLoaded on the document will be dispatched. You can add an event listener and react to changes.

document.addEventListener( 'themeVariantLoaded', function( e ){
  console.log( e.detail.variant ); // `relearn-light`