GitHub Actions Bot 5a482d99a1 Ship tag 4.0.5
2022-06-12 13:27:50 +00:00

576 lines
24 KiB

# Changelog
## 4.0.5 (2022-06-12)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] i18n: vietnamese language with wrong lang code [#270](
- [**bug**] i18n: fix search for non western languages [#269](
## 4.0.4 (2022-06-07)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] theme: improve keyboard navigation for scrolling [#268](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] swagger: adjust font-size for method buttons [#267](
- [**bug**] menu: hide expander when only hidden subpages [#264](
- [**bug**] theme: make compatible with Hugo 0.100.0 [#263](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] swagger: update rapidoc to 9.3.2 [#266](
- [**task**] mermaid: update to 9.1.1 [#265](
## 4.0.3 (2022-06-05)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] toc: add scrollbar [#262](
## 4.0.2 (2022-06-05)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: let browser scroll page on CTRL+f [#242](
## 4.0.1 (2022-06-05)
*No changelog for this release.*
## 4.0.0 (2022-06-05)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] shortcodes: add named parameter if missing [#260](
- [**feature**][**breaking**] theme: remove --MAIN-ANCHOR-color from stylesheet [#256](
- [**feature**] i18n: add italian translation [#254](
- [**feature**] attachments: support for brand colors [#252](
- [**feature**] notice: support for brand colors [#251](
- [**feature**][**breaking**] config: remove custom_css [#248](
- [**feature**] theme: use proper file extension for page-meta.go [#246](
- [**feature**] variant: add support for brand color variables [#239](
- [**feature**] i18n: add polish translation [#237](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] shortcodes: accept boolean parameters if given as string [#261](
- [**bug**] print: adjust button and tab size [#259](
- [**bug**] print: show Mermaid if requested in frontmatter [#255](
- [**bug**] theme: adjust thin scrollbar slider [#244](
- [**bug**] mobile: fix broken scrollbar [#243](
- [**bug**] theme: fix display of tooltip for heading anchor [#241](
## 3.4.1 (2022-04-03)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: fix IE11 incompatiblities [#234](
## 3.4.0 (2022-04-03)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] i18n: add traditional chinese translation [#233](
- [**feature**] menu: expand/collapse menu items without navigation [#231](
- [**feature**] print: add option to print whole chapter [#230](
- [**feature**][**breaking**] theme: apply user supplied content footer below content [#229](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: scroll to heading on initial load [#232](
## 3.3.0 (2022-03-28)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] theme: add CSS font variables [#227](
- [**feature**] swagger: add support for oas/swagger documentation [#226](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] variant: make variant switch work on slow networks [#228](
## 3.2.1 (2022-03-25)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] print: fix minor inconsistencies [#225](
- [**bug**] print: show more than just the title page [#224](
- [**bug**] theme: align content scrollbar to the right on big screens [#223](
## 3.2.0 (2022-03-19)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**][**change**] mermaid: support differing themes for color variant switch [#219](
- [**feature**] mermaid: load javascript on demand [#218](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] mermaid: update to 8.14.0 [#220](
## 3.1.1 (2022-03-16)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] i18n: add korean translation [#217](
## 3.1.0 (2022-03-15)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] notice: add icon parameter [#212](
- [**feature**] mobile: remove breadcrumb ellipsis [#211](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: make storage of multiple Hugo sites on same server distinct [#214](
- [**bug**] variant: switch breadcrumb color in Chrome [#213](
- [**bug**] mobile: improve behavior of sidebar menu [#210](
## 3.0.4 (2022-02-24)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] theme: improve font loading [#201](
- [**feature**][**change**] variant: fix inconsistent color variable naming [#200](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] variant: fix occasional fail when resetting generator [#208](
- [**bug**] docs: don't move header on logo hover in IE11 [#207](
- [**bug**] variant: avoid flash of menu header when non default variant is active [#206](
- [**bug**] theme: fix wrong HTML closing tag order in chapters [#205](
- [**bug**] theme: adjust breadcrumb and title for empty home page titles [#202](
## 3.0.3 (2022-02-23)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] tags: show tag count in taxonomy list [#195](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: remove Hugo build warning if page is not file based [#197](
- [**bug**] tags: adhere to titleSeparator [#196](
- [**bug**] theme: hide footer divider and variant selector in IE11 [#194](
## 3.0.2 (2022-02-23)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] tags: sort by name [#193](
## 3.0.1 (2022-02-23)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] children: set containerstyle automatically according to style [#192](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: revert fontawsome to version 5 for IE11 compat [#191](
## 3.0.0 (2022-02-22)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] variant: build a variant generator [#188](
- [**feature**] nav: only show toc if the page has headings [#182](
- [**feature**][**breaking**] theme: change default colors to Relearn defaults [#181](
- [**feature**] variant: add a variant selector [#178](
- [**feature**][**breaking**] menu: rework footer UX [#177](
- [**feature**] theme: support for dark mode [#175](
- [**feature**] docs: use light syntax highlightning theme [#174](
- [**feature**] notice: tweak dull colors [#173](
- [**feature**] theme: rework header UX [#151](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] search: remove additional X in filled out search box in IE11 [#190](
- [**bug**] clipboard: localize tooltips [#186](
- [**bug**] print: hide sidebar on Mac [#183](
- [**bug**] menu: fix scrollbar height [#180](
- [**bug**][**change**] search: fix color change for icons on hover [#176](
## 2.9.6 (2022-02-07)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] menu: remove debug output [#171](
## 2.9.5 (2022-02-07)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] menu: let arrow navigation respect ordersectionsby configuration [#170](
## 2.9.4 (2022-02-06)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] exampleSite: fix links in official documentation [#168](
## 2.9.3 (2022-02-06)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] menu: invalid URL when the shortcut is an internal link [#163](
## 2.9.2 (2021-11-26)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] theme: add theme version info to head [#158](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: fix selection of *.ico files as favicons [#160](
## 2.9.1 (2021-11-22)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] menu: fix significantly low performance for collecting of meta info [#157](
## 2.9.0 (2021-11-19)
### Fixes
- [**bug**][**breaking**] relref: fix inconsistent behavior [#156](
- [**bug**] search: make dropdown stick to search field when scrolling [#155](
- [**bug**] menu: align long text properly [#154](
- [**bug**] copyToClipBoard: add missing right border for inline code if `disableInlineCopyToClipBoard=true` [#153](
- [**bug**] menu: show hidden sibling pages reliably [#152](
- [**bug**] menu: bring active item in sight for large menus [#149](
## 2.8.3 (2021-11-09)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] mermaid: let zoom reset to initial size [#145](
- [**bug**] mermaid: remove whitespace from big graphs [#143](
## 2.8.2 (2021-11-08)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] mermaid: always load javascript to avoid break if code fences are used [#142](
## 2.8.1 (2021-11-04)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] search: don't break JS in multilang setup if search is disabled [#140](
## 2.8.0 (2021-11-03)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] toc: make disableTOC globally available via config.toml [#133](
- [**feature**] mermaid: only load javascript if necessary [#95](
- [**feature**][**change**] theme: switch font [#83](
- [**feature**] theme: make favicon configurable [#2](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] mermaid: assert that window.mermaid is actually mermaid [#136](
- [**bug**] menu: remove usage of Hugos UniqueID [#131](
- [**bug**] theme: reduce margin for children shortcode [#130](
- [**bug**] theme: left-align h3 in chapters [#129](
- [**bug**] theme: align copy link to clipboard [#128](
## 2.7.0 (2021-10-24)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] notice: support custom titles [#124](
## 2.6.0 (2021-10-21)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: generate correct links if theme served from subdirectory [#120](
## 2.5.1 (2021-10-12)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] security: fix XSS for malicioius image URLs [#117](
## 2.5.0 (2021-10-08)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**][**change**] syntax highlight: provide default colors for unknown languages [#113](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] security: fix XSS for malicioius URLs [#114](
- [**bug**] menu: write correct local shortcut links [#112](
## 2.4.1 (2021-10-07)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: remove runtime styles from print [#111](
## 2.4.0 (2021-10-07)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] lang: add vietnamese translation [#109](
- [**feature**][**change**] theme: simplify stylesheet for color variants [#107](
- [**feature**] hidden pages: remove from RSS feed, JSON, taxonomy etc [#102](
- [**feature**] theme: announce alternative content in header [#101](
- [**feature**] menu: frontmatter option to change sort predicate [#98](
- [**feature**] menu: add default setting for menu expansion [#97](
- [**feature**] theme: improve print style [#93](
- [**feature**] theme: improve style [#92](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] include: don't generate additional HTML if file should be displayed "as is" [#110](
- [**bug**] attachments: fix broken links if multilang config is used [#105](
- [**bug**] theme: fix sticky header to remove horizontal scrollbar [#82](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] chore: update fontawesome [#94](
## 2.3.2 (2021-09-20)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] docs: rename history pirate translation [#91](
## 2.3.1 (2021-09-20)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] docs: rename english pirate translation to avoid crash on rendering [#90](
## 2.3.0 (2021-09-13)
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: fix usage of section element [#88](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] theme: ensure IE11 compatiblity [#89](
- [**task**] docs: Arrr! showcase multilang featurrre [#87](
## 2.2.0 (2021-09-09)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] sitemap: hide hidden pages from sitemap and SEO indexing [#85](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] theme: fix showVisitedLinks in case Hugo is configured to modify relative URLs [#86](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] theme: switch from data-vocabulary to schema [#84](
## 2.1.0 (2021-09-07)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] search: open expand if it contains search term [#80](
- [**feature**] menu: scroll active item into view [#79](
- [**feature**] search: disable search in hidden pages [#76](
- [**feature**] search: improve readablility of index.json [#75](
- [**feature**] search: increase performance [#74](
- [**feature**] search: improve search context preview [#73](
### Fixes
- [**bug**][**change**] search: hide non-site content [#81](
- [**bug**] menu: always hide hidden sub pages [#77](
## 2.0.0 (2021-08-28)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] tabs: enhance styling [#65](
- [**feature**] theme: improve readability [#64](
- [**feature**] menu: show hidden pages if accessed directly [#60](
- [**feature**][**change**] theme: treat pages without title as hidden [#59](
- [**feature**] search: show search results if field gains focus [#58](
- [**feature**] theme: add partial templates for pre/post menu entries [#56](
- [**feature**] theme: make chapter archetype more readable [#55](
- [**feature**] children: add parameter for container style [#53](
- [**feature**] theme: make content a template [#50](
- [**feature**] menu: control menu expansion with alwaysopen parameter [#49](
- [**feature**] include: new shortcode to include other files [#43](
- [**feature**] theme: adjust print styles [#35](
- [**feature**][**change**] code highligher: switch to standard hugo highlighter [#32](
### Fixes
- [**bug**][**change**] arrow-nav: default sorting ignores ordersectionsby [#63](
- [**bug**][**change**] children: default sorting ignores ordersectionsby [#62](
- [**bug**][**change**] arrow-nav: fix broken links on (and below) hidden pages [#61](
- [**bug**] theme: remove superflous singular taxonomy from taxonomy title [#46](
- [**bug**][**change**] theme: missing --MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVER-color in documentation [#45](
- [**bug**] theme: fix home link when base URL has some path [#44](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] docs: include changelog in exampleSite [#33](
## 1.2.0 (2021-07-26)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] theme: adjust copy-to-clipboard [#29](
- [**feature**] attachments: adjust style between notice boxes and attachments [#28](
- [**feature**] theme: adjust blockquote contrast [#27](
- [**feature**] expand: add option to open on page load [#25](
- [**feature**] expand: rework styling [#24](
- [**feature**] attachments: sort output [#23](
- [**feature**] notice: make restyling of notice boxes more robust [#20](
- [**feature**] notice: fix contrast issues [#19](
- [**feature**] notice: align box colors to common standards [#18](
- [**feature**] notice: use distinct icons for notice box type [#17](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] attachments: support i18n for attachment size [#21](
- [**bug**] notice: support i18n for box labels [#16](
- [**bug**] notice: support multiple blocks in one box [#15](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] dependency: upgrade jquery to 3.6.0 [#30](
## 1.1.1 (2021-07-04)
### Maintenance
- [**task**] theme: prepare for new hugo theme registration [#13](
## 1.1.0 (2021-07-02)
### Enhancements
- [**feature**] mermaid: expose options in config.toml [#4](
### Fixes
- [**bug**] mermaid: config option for CDN url not used [#12](
- [**bug**] mermaid: only highlight text in HTML elements [#10](
- [**bug**] mermaid: support pan & zoom for graphs [#9](
- [**bug**] mermaid: code fences not always rendered [#6](
- [**bug**] mermaid: search term on load may bomb chart [#5](
### Maintenance
- [**task**] mermaid: update to 8.10.2 [#7](
## 1.0.1 (2021-07-01)
### Maintenance
- [**task**] Prepare for hugo showcase [#3](
## 1.0.0 (2021-07-01)
### Maintenance
- [**task**] Fork project [#1](