2022-12-02 19:26:49 +01:00

8.6 KiB

+++ description = "Marker badges to display in your text" title = "Badge" +++

The badge shortcode displays little markers in your text with adjustable color, title and icon.

{{% badge %}}Important{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="primary" title="Version" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="red" icon="angle-double-up" %}}Captain{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="info" %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}}


While the examples are using shortcodes with named parameter you are free to also call this shortcode from your own partials.

{{< tabs groupId="shortcode-parameter">}} {{% tab name="shortcode" %}}

{{%/* badge %}}Important{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="primary" title="Version" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="red" icon="angle-double-up" %}}Captain{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="info" %}}Awesome{{% /badge */%}}

{{% /tab %}} {{% tab name="partial" %}}

{{ partial "shortcodes/badge.html" (dict
    "context" .
    "content" "Important"
{{ partial "shortcodes/badge.html" (dict
  "context" .
  "style" "primary"
  "title" "Version"
  "content" "6.6.6"
{{ partial "shortcodes/badge.html" (dict
  "context" .
  "style" "red"
  "icon" "angle-double-up"
  "content" "Captain"
{{ partial "shortcodes/badge.html" (dict
  "context" .
  "style" "info"
  "content" "Awesome"

{{% /tab %}} {{< /tabs >}}


Name Default Notes
style default The color scheme used to paint the badge.

- by severity: info, note, tip, warning
- by brand color: primary, secondary
- by color: blue, green, grey, orange, red
- by special color: default, transparent
icon see notes [Font Awesome icon name]({{%relref "shortcodes/icon#finding-an-icon" %}}) set to the left of the title. Depending on the style there may be a default icon. Any given value will overwrite the default.

- for severity styles: a nice matching icon for the severity
- for all other colors: <empty>

If you want no icon for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to " " (a non empty string filled with spaces)
title see notes Arbitrary text for the badge title. Depending on the style there may be a default title. Any given value will overwrite the default.

- for severity styles: the matching title for the severity
- for all other colors: <empty>

If you want no title for a severity style, you have to set this parameter to " " (a non empty string filled with spaces)
<content> <empty> Arbitrary text for the badge.



By Severity

{{%/* badge style="info" %}}New{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="note" %}}Change{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="tip" %}}Optional{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="warning" %}}Breaking{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge style="info" %}}New{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="note" %}}Change{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="tip" %}}Optional{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="warning" %}}Breaking{{% /badge %}}

By Brand Colors

{{%/* badge style="primary" icon="bullhorn" title="Announcement" %}}Mandatory{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="secondary" icon="bullhorn" title="Announcement" %}}Optional{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge style="primary" icon="bullhorn" title="Announcement" %}}Mandatory{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="secondary" icon="bullhorn" title="Announcement" %}}Optional{{% /badge %}}

By Color

{{%/* badge style="blue" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Blue{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="green" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Green{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="grey" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Grey{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="orange" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Orange{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="red" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Red{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge style="blue" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Blue{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="green" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Green{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="grey" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Grey{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="orange" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Orange{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="red" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Red{{% /badge %}}

By Special Color

{{%/* badge style="default" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Default{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="transparent" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Transparent{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge style="default" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Default{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="transparent" icon="palette" title="Color" %}}Transparent{{% /badge %}}


Without Icon and Title Text

{{%/* badge %}}6.6.6{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="info" icon=" " title=" " %}}Awesome{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="red" %}}Captain{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge %}}6.6.6{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="info" icon=" " title=" " %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="red" %}}Captain{{% /badge %}}

Without Icon

{{%/* badge title="Version" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="info" icon=" " %}}Awesome{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="red" title="Rank" %}}Captain{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge title="Version" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="info" icon=" " %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="red" title="Rank" %}}Captain{{% /badge %}}

Without Title Text

{{%/* badge icon="star" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="info" title=" " %}}Awesome{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="red" icon="angle-double-up" %}}Captain{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge icon="star" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="info" title=" " %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="red" icon="angle-double-up" %}}Captain{{% /badge %}}

All Set

{{%/* badge icon="star" title="Version" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="info" %}}Awesome{{% /badge */%}}
{{%/* badge style="red" icon="angle-double-up" title="Rank" %}}Captain{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge icon="star" title="Version" %}}6.6.6{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="info" %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}} {{% badge style="red" icon="angle-double-up" title="Rank" %}}Captain{{% /badge %}}

Override for Severity

{{%/* badge style="info" icon="rocket" title="Feature" %}}Awesome{{% /badge */%}}

{{% badge style="info" icon="rocket" title="Feature" %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}}


With Icon Content

You can combine the badge with the [icon shortcode]({{% relref "shortcodes/icon" %}}) to create even more stunning variants.

In this case you need to declare {{</* badge */>}} instead of {{%/* badge */%}}. Note, that in this case it is not possible to put markdown in the content.

{{</* badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}}{{< /badge */>}}  
{{</* badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}} Pirate{{< /badge */>}}  
{{</* badge style="primary" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}}{{< /badge */>}}  
{{</* badge style="primary" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}} Pirate{{< /badge */>}}  
{{</* badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}}{{< /badge */>}}  
{{</* badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}} Pirate{{< /badge */>}}

{{< badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}}{{< /badge >}}
{{< badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}} Pirate{{< /badge >}}
{{< badge style="primary" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}}{{< /badge >}}
{{< badge style="primary" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}} Pirate{{< /badge >}}
{{< badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}}{{< /badge >}}
{{< badge style="primary" icon="angle-double-up" title="Rank" >}}{{% icon skull-crossbones %}} Pirate{{< /badge >}}

Inside of Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graecis denique ei vel, at duo primis mandamus. {{%/* badge style="blue" icon="rocket" %}}Awesome{{% /badge */%}} Et legere ocurreret pri, animal tacimates complectitur ad cum. Cu eum inermis inimicus efficiendi. Labore officiis his ex, soluta officiis concludaturque ei qui, vide sensibus vim ad.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, graecis denique ei vel, at duo primis mandamus. {{% badge style="blue" icon="rocket" %}}Awesome{{% /badge %}} Et legere ocurreret pri, animal tacimates complectitur ad cum. Cu eum inermis inimicus efficiendi. Labore officiis his ex, soluta officiis concludaturque ei qui, vide sensibus vim ad.