Arrr! Pirrrates

Fello' pirrrates, grog made us dizzy! Be awarrre some stuff may not work in this trrranslat'n. Like see'n Merrrmaids, do'n math or chemistrrry, writ'n docs and stuff.

Th' openapi shortcode uses th' Swagger UI library t' display yer OpenAPI / Swagger specificat'ns.


This only works 'n modern browsers.


While th' examples be us'n shorrrtcodes wit' named parameter ye be free t' also call this shortcode from yer own partials.

{{< openapi src="" >}}
{{ partial "shortcodes/openapi.html" (dict
  "context" .
  "src" ""


Name Default Notes
src <empty> Th' URL t' th' OpenAPI specificat'n file. This can be relative t' th' URL o' yer plank if it be a leaf or branch bundle.

If ye want t' print out (or generate a PDF) from yer OpenAPI documentat'n, don’t initiate print'n directly from th' plank because th' elements be optimized fer interactive usage 'n a browser.

Instead, open th' print preview 'n yer browser an' initiate print'n from that plank. This plank be optimized fer read'n an' expands most o' th' avail'ble sections.


Us'n Local File

{{< openapi src="petstore.json" >}}