
Arrr! Pirrrates

Fello' pirrates, be awarrre some stuff may not work fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like table of rrramblings, see'ng Merrrmaids, do'ng math or chemistrrry and stuff.

Th' follow'n steps be here t' help ye initialize yer new website. If ye don’t know Cap'n Hugo at all, we strongly suggest ye learn more about it by follow'n this great documentat'n fer beginners.

Create yer project

Cap'n Hugo provides a new command t' create a new website.

hugo new ship <new_project>

Install th' theme

Install th' Relearrrn theme by follow'n this documentat'n us'n Hugo’s module system.

This theme’s repository be:

Alternatively, ye can download th' theme as .zip file an' extract it 'n th' themes directory

Basic configurat'n

When build'n th' website, ye can set a theme by us'n --theme opt'n. However, we suggest ye modify th' configurat'n file (config.toml) an' set th' theme as th' default. Ye can also add th' [outputs] section t' en'ble th' search functionality.

# Change th' default theme t' be use when build'n th' ship wit' Cap'n Hugo
theme = "hugo-theme-relearn"

# For search functionality
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "SEARCH"]

Create yer first chapter plank

Chapters be planks that contain other child planks. It has a special layout style an' usually just contains a chapter name, th' title an' a brief abstract o' th' section.

### Chapter 1

# Basics

Discover what this Cap'n Hugo theme be all about an' th' core concepts behind it.

renders as

A Chapter

Th' Relearrrn theme provides archetypes t' create skeletons fer yer website. Begin by creat'n yer first chapter plank wit' th' follow'n command

hugo new --kind chapter basics/

By open'n th' given file, ye should see th' property chapter=true on top, mean'n this plank be a chapter.

By default all chapters an' planks be created as a draft. If ye want t' render these planks, remove th' property draft: true from th' metadata.

Create yer first rrrambl'n planks

Then, create rrrambl'n planks inside th' previously created chapter. Here be two ways t' create rrrambl'n 'n th' chapter:

hugo new basics/
hugo new basics/second-content/

Feel free t' edit those files by add'n some sample rrrambl'n an' replac'n th' title value 'n th' beginn'n o' th' files.

Launch'n th' website locally

Launch by us'n th' follow'n command:

hugo serve

Go t' http://localhost:1313

Ye should notice three th'ns:

  1. Ye have a left-side Basics menu, contain'n two submenus wit' names equal t' th' title properties 'n th' previously created files.
  2. Th' home plank explains how t' cust'mize it by follow'n th' instruct'ns.
  3. When ye run hugo serve, when th' contents o' th' files change, th' plank automatically refreshes wit' th' changes. Neat!

Build th' website

When yer ship be ready t' deploy, run th' follow'n command:


A public folder will be generated, contain'n all static rrrambl'n an' assets fer yer website. It can now be deployed on any web server.


This website can be automatically published an' hosted wit' Netlify (Read more about Automated HUGO deployments wit' Netlify). Alternatively, ye can use GitHub planks.