Fello' pirrates, be awarrre some stuff may not work fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like table of rrramblings, see'ng Merrrmaids, do'ng math or chemistrrry and stuff.
Th' ay'con
shorrrtcode displays ay'cons 'n yer text.
Th' theme uses th' Font Awesome library, allow'n ye t' easily display any ay'con or logo avail'ble 'n th' Font Awesome free collect'n.
While th' examples be us'n shorrrtcodes wit' positional parameter ye be free t' also call this shorrrtcode from yer own partials.
{{% ay'con ay'con="exclamation-triangle" %}}
{{% ay'con ay'con="angle-double-up" %}}
{{% ay'con ay'con="skull-crossbones" %}}
{{% ay'con exclamat'n-triangle %}}
{{% ay'con angle-do'ble-up %}}
{{% ay'con skull-crossbones %}}
{{ partial "shortcodes/icon.html" (dict
"context" .
"icon" "exclamation-triangle"
{{ partial "shortcodes/icon.html" (dict
"context" .
"icon" "angle-double-up"
{{ partial "shortcodes/icon.html" (dict
"context" .
"icon" "skull-crossbones"
Name | Posit'n | Default | Notes |
ay'con | 1 | <empty> | Font Awesome ay'con name t' be displayed. It will be displayed 'n th' text color o' its accord'n context. |
Find'n an ay'con
Browse through th' avail'ble ay'cons 'n th' Font Awesome Gallery. Notice that th' free filter be enabled, as only th' free ay'cons be avail'ble by default.
Once on th' Font Awesome plank fer a specific ay'con, fer example th' plank fer th' heart, copy th' ay'con name an' paste into th' Marrrkdown rrrambl'n.
Customis'n Ay'cons
Font Awesome provides many ways t' modify th' ay'con
- Change color (by default th' ay'con will inherit th' parent color)
- Increase or decrease size
- Rotate
- Combine wit' other ay'cons
Check th' full documentat'n on web fonts wit' CSS fer more.
Standard Use
Built wit' {{% ay'con heart %}} by Relearrrn an' Cap'n Hugo
Built wit' by Relearrrn an' Cap'n Hugo
Advanced HTML Usage
While th' shorrrtcode simplyfies us'n standard ay'cons, th' ay'con customisat'n an' other advanced features o' th' Font Awesome library requires ye t' use HTML directly. Just paste th' <i>
HTML into marrrkup an' Font Awesome will board th' relevant ay'con.
Built wit' <i class="fas fa-heart"></i> by Relearrrn an' Cap'n Hugo
Built wit' by Relearrrn an' Cap'n Hugo