
635 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// we need to load this script in the html head to avoid flickering
// on page load if the user has selected a non default variant
// polyfill this rotten piece of sh...oftware
if( typeof NodeList !== "undefined" && NodeList.prototype && !NodeList.prototype.forEach ){
NodeList.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
if (!String.prototype.startsWith) {
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'startsWith', {
value: function(search, rawPos) {
var pos = rawPos > 0 ? rawPos|0 : 0;
return this.substring(pos, pos + search.length) === search;
"function"!=typeof Object.assign&&(Object.assign=function(n,t){"use strict";if(null==n)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");for(var r=Object(n),e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){var o=arguments[e];if(null!=o)for(var c in o),c)&&(r[c]=o[c])}return r});
if(!Array.prototype.find){Array.prototype.find=function(predicate){if(this===null){throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined')}if(typeof predicate!=='function'){throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function')}var list=Object(this);var length=list.length>>>0;var thisArg=arguments[1];var value;for(var i=0;i<length;i+=1){value=list[i];if(,value,i,list)){return value}}return undefined}}
Array.from||(Array.from=function(){var r;try{r=Symbol.iterator?Symbol.iterator:"Symbol(Symbol.iterator)"}catch(t){r="Symbol(Symbol.iterator)"}var t=Object.prototype.toString,n=function(r){return"function"==typeof r||"[object Function]"},o=Math.pow(2,53)-1,e=function(r){var t=function(r){var t=Number(r);return isNaN(t)?0:0!==t&&isFinite(t)?(t>0?1:-1)*Math.floor(Math.abs(t)):t}(r);return Math.min(Math.max(t,0),o)},a=function(t,n){var o=t&&n[r]();return function(r){return t?[r]}},i=function(r,t,n,o,e,a){for(var i=0;i<n||e;){var u=o(i),f=e?u.value:u;if(e&&u.done)return t;t[i]=a?void 0===r?a(f,i),f,i):f,i+=1}if(e)throw new TypeError("Array.from: provided arrayLike or iterator has length more then 2 ** 52 - 1");return t.length=n,t};return function(t){var o=this,u=Object(t),f=n(u[r]);if(null==t&&!f)throw new TypeError("Array.from requires an array-like object or iterator - not null or undefined");var l,c=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;if(void 0!==c){if(!n(c))throw new TypeError("Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function");arguments.length>2&&(l=arguments[2])}var y=e(u.length),h=n(o)?Object(new o(y)):new Array(y);return i(l,h,y,a(f,u),f,c)}}());
const ElementPrototype=window.Element.prototype;
if(typeof ElementPrototype.matches!=='function'){ElementPrototype.matches=ElementPrototype.msMatchesSelector||ElementPrototype.mozMatchesSelector||ElementPrototype.webkitMatchesSelector||function matches(selector){let element=this;const elements=(element.document||element.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(selector);let index=0;while(elements[index]&&elements[index]!==element){index+=1}return Boolean(elements[index])}}if(typeof ElementPrototype.closest!=='function'){ElementPrototype.closest=function closest(selector){let element=this;while(element&&element.nodeType===1){if(element.matches(selector)){return element}element=element.parentNode}return null}}
function _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; if (it) return (it =; if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; return function () { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
function ready(fn) { if (document.readyState == 'complete') { fn(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',fn); } }
var variants = {
variant: '',
variants: [],
customvariantname: 'my-custom-variant',
isstylesheetloaded: true,
init: function( variants ){
this.variants = variants;
var variant = window.localStorage.getItem( baseUriFull+'variant' ) || ( this.variants.length ? this.variants[0] : '' );
this.changeVariant( variant );
document.addEventListener( 'readystatechange', function(){
if( document.readyState == 'interactive' ){
}.bind( this ) );
getVariant: function(){
return this.variant;
setVariant: function( variant ){
this.variant = variant;
window.localStorage.setItem( baseUriFull+'variant', variant );
isVariantLoaded: function(){
return window.theme && this.isstylesheetloaded;
markSelectedVariant: function(){
var variant = this.getVariant();
var select = document.querySelector( '#R-select-variant' );
if( !select ){
if( variant && select.value != variant ){
select.value = variant;
var interval_id = setInterval( function(){
if( this.isVariantLoaded() ){
clearInterval( interval_id );
updateTheme({ variant: variant });
}.bind( this ), 25 );
// remove selection, because if some uses an arrow navigation"
// by pressing the left or right cursor key, we will automatically
// select a different style
if( document.activeElement ){
generateVariantPath: function( variant, old_path ){
var new_path = old_path.replace( /^(.*\/theme-).*?(\.css.*)$/, '$1' + variant + '$2' );
return new_path;
addCustomVariantOption: function(){
var variantbase = window.localStorage.getItem( baseUriFull+'customvariantbase' );
if( this.variants.indexOf( variantbase ) < 0 ){
variantbase = '';
if( !window.localStorage.getItem( baseUriFull+'customvariant' ) ){
variantbase = '';
if( !variantbase ){
var select = document.querySelector( '#R-select-variant' );
if( !select ){
var option = document.querySelector( '#' + this.customvariantname );
if( !option ){
option = document.createElement( 'option' ); = this.customvariantname;
option.value = this.customvariantname;
option.text = this.customvariantname.replace( /-/g, ' ' ).replace(/\w\S*/g, function(w){ return w.replace(/^\w/g, function(c){ return c.toUpperCase(); }); });
select.appendChild( option );
document.querySelectorAll( '.footerVariantSwitch' ).forEach( function( e ){
e.classList.add( 'showVariantSwitch' );
removeCustomVariantOption: function(){
var option = document.querySelector( '#' + this.customvariantname );
if( option ){
if( this.variants.length <= 1 ){
document.querySelectorAll( '.footerVariantSwitch' ).forEach( function( e ){
e.classList.remove( 'showVariantSwitch' );
saveCustomVariant: function(){
if( this.getVariant() != this.customvariantname ){
window.localStorage.setItem( baseUriFull+'customvariantbase', this.getVariant() );
window.localStorage.setItem( baseUriFull+'customvariant', this.generateStylesheet() );
this.setVariant( this.customvariantname );
loadCustomVariant: function(){
var stylesheet = window.localStorage.getItem( baseUriFull+'customvariant' );
// temp styles to document
var head = document.querySelector( 'head' );
var style = document.createElement( 'style' ); = 'R-custom-variant-style';
style.appendChild( document.createTextNode( stylesheet ) );
head.appendChild( style );
var interval_id = setInterval( function(){
if( this.findLoadedStylesheet( 'R-variant-style' ) ){
clearInterval( interval_id );
// save the styles to the current variant stylesheet
this.variantvariables.forEach( function( e ){
this.changeColor(, true );
}.bind( this ) );
// remove temp styles
}.bind( this ), 25 );
resetVariant: function(){
var variantbase = window.localStorage.getItem( baseUriFull+'customvariantbase' );
if( variantbase && confirm( 'You have made changes to your custom variant. Are you sure you want to reset all changes?' ) ){
window.localStorage.removeItem( baseUriFull+'customvariantbase' );
window.localStorage.removeItem( baseUriFull+'customvariant' );
if( this.getVariant() == this.customvariantname ){
this.changeVariant( variantbase );
onLoadStylesheet: function(){
variants.isstylesheetloaded = true;
switchStylesheet: function( variant, without_check ){
var link = document.querySelector( '#R-variant-style' );
if( !link ){
var old_path = link.getAttribute( 'href' );
var new_path = this.generateVariantPath( variant, old_path );
this.isstylesheetloaded = false;
// Chrome needs a new element to trigger the load callback again
var new_link = document.createElement( 'link' ); = 'R-variant-style';
new_link.rel = 'stylesheet';
new_link.onload = this.onLoadStylesheet;
new_link.setAttribute( 'href', new_path );
link.parentNode.replaceChild( new_link, link );
changeVariant: function( variant ){
if( variant == this.customvariantname ){
var variantbase = window.localStorage.getItem( baseUriFull+'customvariantbase' );
if( this.variants.indexOf( variantbase ) < 0 ){
variant = '';
if( !window.localStorage.getItem( baseUriFull+'customvariant' ) ){
variant = '';
this.setVariant( variant );
if( !variant ){
this.switchStylesheet( variantbase );
if( this.variants.indexOf( variant ) < 0 ){
variant = this.variants.length ? this.variants[ 0 ] : '';
this.setVariant( variant );
if( !variant ){
this.switchStylesheet( variant );
generator: function( vargenerator ){
var graphDefinition = this.generateGraph();
var graphs = document.querySelectorAll( vargenerator );
graphs.forEach( function( e ){ e.innerHTML = graphDefinition; });
var interval_id = setInterval( function(){
if( document.querySelectorAll( vargenerator + '.mermaid > svg' ).length ){
clearInterval( interval_id );
}.bind( this ), 25 );
download: function(data, mimetype, filename){
var blob = new Blob([data], { type: mimetype });
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', url);
a.setAttribute('download', filename);;
getStylesheet: function(){ this.generateStylesheet(), 'text/css', 'theme-' + this.customvariantname + '.css' );
adjustCSSRules: function(selector, props, sheets) {
// get stylesheet(s)
if (!sheets) sheets = [].concat(Array.from(document.styleSheets));else if (sheets.sup) {
// sheets is a string
var absoluteURL = new URL(sheets, document.baseURI).href;
sheets = [].concat(document.styleSheets).filter(function (i) {
return i.href == absoluteURL;
} else sheets = [sheets]; // sheets is a stylesheet
// CSS (& HTML) reduce spaces in selector to one.
selector = selector.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var findRule = function findRule(s) {
return [].concat(s.cssRules).reverse().find(function (i) {
return i.selectorText == selector;
var rule = (i) {
return i;
var propsArr = props.sup ? props.split(/\s*;\s*/).map(function (i) {
return i.split(/\s*:\s*/);
}) // from string
: Object.entries(props); // from Object
if (rule) {
for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(propsArr), _step; !(_step = _iterator()).done;) {
var _rule$style;
var _step$value = _step.value,
prop = _step$value[0],
val = _step$value[1];
//[prop] = val; is against the spec, and does not support !important.
(_rule$style =$style, [prop].concat(val.split(/ *!(?=important)/)));
} else {
sheet = sheets.pop();
if (!props.sup) props = propsArr.reduce(function (str, _ref) {
var k = _ref[0],
v = _ref[1];
return str + "; " + k + ": " + v;
}, '');
sheet.insertRule(selector + " { " + props + " }", sheet.cssRules.length);
normalizeColor: function( c ){
if( !c || !c.trim ){
return c;
c = c.trim();
c = c.replace( /\s*\(\s*/g, "( " );
c = c.replace( /\s*\)\s*/g, " )" );
c = c.replace( /\s*,\s*/g, ", " );
c = c.replace( /0*\./g, "." );
c = c.replace( / +/g, " " );
return c;
getColorValue: function( c ){
return this.normalizeColor( getComputedStyle( document.documentElement ).getPropertyValue( '--INTERNAL-'+c ) );
getColorProperty: function( c, read_style ){
var e = this.findColor( c );
var p = this.normalizeColor( read_style.getPropertyValue( '--'+c ) ).replace( '--INTERNAL-', '--' );
return p;
findLoadedStylesheet: function( id ){
for( var n = 0; n < document.styleSheets.length; ++n ){
if( document.styleSheets[n] == id ){
var s = document.styleSheets[n];
if( s.rules && s.rules.length ){
for( var m = 0; m < s.rules.length; ++m ){
if( s.rules[m].selectorText == ':root' ){
return s.rules[m].style;
if( s.rules[m].cssRules && s.rules[m].cssRules.length ){
for( var o = 0; o < s.rules[m].cssRules.length; ++o ){
if( s.rules[m].cssRules[o].selectorText == ':root' ){
return s.rules[m].cssRules[o].style;
return null;
changeColor: function( c, without_prompt ){
var with_prompt = !(without_prompt || false);
if( this.getVariant() == 'auto' ){
if( with_prompt ){
alert( 'The Auto variant can not be changed. Please select the light/dark variant directly to make changes' );
var read_style = this.findLoadedStylesheet( 'R-custom-variant-style' );
var write_style = this.findLoadedStylesheet( 'R-variant-style' );
if( !read_style ){
read_style = write_style;
var e = this.findColor( c );
var v = this.getColorProperty( c, read_style );
var n = '';
if( !with_prompt ){
n = v;
var t = c + '\n\n' + e.tooltip + '\n';
if( e.fallback ){
t += '\nInherits value "' + this.getColorValue(e.fallback) + '" from ' + e.fallback + ' if not set\n';
else if( e.default ){
t += '\nDefaults to value "' + this.normalizeColor(e.default) + '" if not set\n';
n = prompt( t, v );
if( n === null ){
// user canceld operation
if( n ){
// value set to specific value
n = this.normalizeColor( n ).replace( '--INTERNAL-', '--' ).replace( '--', '--INTERNAL-' );
if( !with_prompt || n != v ){
write_style.setProperty( '--'+c, n );
// value emptied, so delete it
write_style.removeProperty( '--'+c );
if( with_prompt ){
findColor: function( name ){
var f = this.variantvariables.find( function( x ){
return == name;
return f;
generateColorVariable: function( e, read_style ){
var v = '';
var gen = this.getColorProperty(, read_style );
if( gen ){
v += ' --' + + ': ' + gen + '; /* ' + e.tooltip + ' */\n';
return v;
generateStylesheet: function(){
var read_style = this.findLoadedStylesheet( 'R-custom-variant-style' );
var write_style = this.findLoadedStylesheet( 'R-variant-style' );
if( !read_style ){
read_style = write_style;
var style =
'/* ' + this.customvariantname + ' */\n' +
':root {\n' +
this.variantvariables.reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + this.generateColorVariable( e, read_style ); }.bind( this ), '' ) +
console.log( style );
return style;
styleGraphGroup: function( selector, colorvar ){
this.adjustCSSRules( '#R-body svg '+selector+' > rect', 'color: var(--INTERNAL-'+colorvar+'); fill: var(--INTERNAL-'+colorvar+'); stroke: #80808080;' );
this.adjustCSSRules( '#R-body svg '+selector+' > .label .nodeLabel', 'color: var(--INTERNAL-'+colorvar+'); fill: var(--INTERNAL-'+colorvar+'); stroke: #80808080;' );
this.adjustCSSRules( '#R-body svg '+selector+' > .cluster-label .nodeLabel', 'color: var(--INTERNAL-'+colorvar+'); fill: var(--INTERNAL-'+colorvar+'); stroke: #80808080;' );
this.adjustCSSRules( '#R-body svg '+selector+' .nodeLabel', 'filter: grayscale(1) invert(1) contrast(10000);' );
styleGraph: function(){
this.variantvariables.forEach( function( e ){
this.styleGraphGroup( '.', );
}.bind( this ) );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#maincontent', 'MAIN-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#mainheadings', 'MAIN-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#code', 'CODE-BLOCK-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#inlinecode', 'CODE-INLINE-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#blockcode', 'CODE-BLOCK-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#thirdparty', 'MAIN-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#coloredboxes', 'BOX-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#menu', 'MENU-SECTIONS-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#menuheader', 'MENU-HEADER-BG-color' );
this.styleGraphGroup( '#menusections', 'MENU-SECTIONS-ACTIVE-BG-color' );
generateGraphGroupedEdge: function( e ){
var edge = '';
if( e.fallback && == this.findColor( e.fallback ).group ){
edge += e.fallback+':::'+e.fallback+' --> '':::';
edge +=':::';
return edge;
generateGraphVarGroupedEdge: function( e ){
var edge = '';
if( e.fallback && != this.findColor( e.fallback ).group ){
edge += ' ' + e.fallback+':::'+e.fallback+' --> '':::' + '\n';
return edge;
generateGraph: function(){
var g_groups = {};
var g_handler = '';
this.variantvariables.forEach( function( e ){
var group = || ' ';
g_groups[ group ] = ( g_groups[ group ] || [] ).concat( e );
g_handler += ' click '' variants.changeColor\n';
var graph =
'flowchart LR\n' +
' subgraph menu["menu"]\n' +
' direction TB\n' +
' subgraph menuheader["header"]\n' +
' direction LR\n' +
g_groups[ 'header' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' end\n' +
' subgraph menusections["sections"]\n' +
' direction LR\n' +
g_groups[ 'sections' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' end\n' +
' end\n' +
' subgraph maincontent["content"]\n' +
' direction TB\n' +
g_groups[ 'content' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' subgraph mainheadings["headings"]\n' +
' direction LR\n' +
g_groups[ 'headings' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' end\n' +
' subgraph code["code"]\n' +
' direction TB\n' +
g_groups[ 'code' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' subgraph inlinecode["inline code"]\n' +
' direction LR\n' +
g_groups[ 'inline code' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' end\n' +
' subgraph blockcode["code blocks"]\n' +
' direction LR\n' +
g_groups[ 'code blocks' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' end\n' +
' end\n' +
' subgraph thirdparty["3rd party"]\n' +
' direction LR\n' +
g_groups[ '3rd party' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' end\n' +
' subgraph coloredboxes["colored boxes"]\n' +
' direction LR\n' +
g_groups[ 'colored boxes' ].reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + ' ' + this.generateGraphGroupedEdge( e ) + '\n'; }.bind( this ), '' ) +
' end\n' +
' end\n' +
this.variantvariables.reduce( function( a, e ){ return a + this.generateGraphVarGroupedEdge( e ); }.bind( this ), '' ) +
console.log( graph );
return graph;
variantvariables: [
{ name: 'PRIMARY-color', group: 'content', fallback: 'MENU-HEADER-BG-color', tooltip: 'brand primary color', },
{ name: 'SECONDARY-color', group: 'content', fallback: 'MAIN-LINK-color', tooltip: 'brand secondary color', },
{ name: 'ACCENT-color', group: 'content', default: '#ffff00', tooltip: 'brand accent color, used for search highlights', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TOPBAR-BORDER-color', group: 'content', default: 'transparent', tooltip: 'border color between topbar and content', },
{ name: 'MAIN-LINK-color', group: 'content', fallback: 'SECONDARY-color', tooltip: 'link color of content', },
{ name: 'MAIN-LINK-HOVER-color', group: 'content', fallback: 'MAIN-LINK-color', tooltip: 'hoverd link color of content', },
{ name: 'MAIN-BG-color', group: 'content', default: '#ffffff', tooltip: 'background color of content', },
{ name: 'TAG-BG-color', group: 'content', fallback: 'PRIMARY-color', tooltip: 'tag color', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TEXT-color', group: 'content', default: '#101010', tooltip: 'text color of content and h1 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-TEXT-color', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of h2-h6 titles and transparent box titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H1-color', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of h1 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H2-color', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of h2-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H3-color', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H2-color', tooltip: 'text color of h3-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H4-color', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H3-color', tooltip: 'text color of h4-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H5-color', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H4-color', tooltip: 'text color of h5-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H6-color', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H5-color', tooltip: 'text color of h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-font', group: 'content', default: '"Work Sans", "Helvetica", "Tahoma", "Geneva", "Arial", sans-serif', tooltip: 'text font of content and h1 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-TEXT-font', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-font', tooltip: 'text font of h2-h6 titles and transparent box titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H1-font', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-font', tooltip: 'text font of h1 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H2-font', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-TEXT-font', tooltip: 'text font of h2-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H3-font', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H2-font', tooltip: 'text font of h3-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H4-font', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H3-font', tooltip: 'text font of h4-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H5-font', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H4-font', tooltip: 'text font of h5-h6 titles', },
{ name: 'MAIN-TITLES-H6-font', group: 'headings', fallback: 'MAIN-TITLES-H5-font', tooltip: 'text font of h6 titles', },
{ name: 'CODE-BLOCK-color', group: 'code blocks', default: '#000000', tooltip: 'fallback text color of block code; should be adjusted to your selected chroma style', },
{ name: 'CODE-BLOCK-BG-color', group: 'code blocks', default: '#f8f8f8', tooltip: 'fallback background color of block code; should be adjusted to your selected chroma style', },
{ name: 'CODE-BLOCK-BORDER-color', group: 'code blocks', fallback: 'CODE-BLOCK-BG-color', tooltip: 'border color of block code', },
{ name: 'CODE-INLINE-color', group: 'inline code', default: '#5e5e5e', tooltip: 'text color of inline code', },
{ name: 'CODE-INLINE-BG-color', group: 'inline code', default: '#fffae9', tooltip: 'background color of inline code', },
{ name: 'CODE-INLINE-BORDER-color', group: 'inline code', default: '#fbf0cb', tooltip: 'border color of inline code', },
{ name: 'CODE-font', group: 'code', default: '"Consolas", menlo, monospace', tooltip: 'text font of code', },
{ name: 'BROWSER-theme', group: '3rd party', default: 'light', tooltip: 'name of the theme for browser scrollbars of the main section', },
{ name: 'MERMAID-theme', group: '3rd party', default: 'default', tooltip: 'name of the default Mermaid theme for this variant, can be overridden in config.toml', },
{ name: 'OPENAPI-theme', group: '3rd party', default: 'light', tooltip: 'name of the default OpenAPI theme for this variant, can be overridden in config.toml', },
{ name: 'OPENAPI-CODE-theme', group: '3rd party', default: 'obsidian', tooltip: 'name of the default OpenAPI code theme for this variant, can be overridden in config.toml', },
{ name: 'MENU-BORDER-color', group: 'header', default: 'transparent', tooltip: 'border color between menu and content', },
{ name: 'MENU-TOPBAR-BORDER-color', group: 'header', fallback: 'MENU-HEADER-BG-color', tooltip: 'border color of vertical line between menu and topbar', },
{ name: 'MENU-TOPBAR-SEPARATOR-color', group: 'header', default: 'transparent', tooltip: 'separator color of vertical line between menu and topbar', },
{ name: 'MENU-HEADER-BG-color', group: 'header', fallback: 'PRIMARY-color', tooltip: 'background color of menu header', },
{ name: 'MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color', group: 'header', fallback: 'MENU-HEADER-BG-color', tooltip: 'border color between menu header and menu', },
{ name: 'MENU-HEADER-SEPARATOR-color', group: 'header', fallback: 'MENU-HEADER-BORDER-color', tooltip: 'separator color between menu header and menu', },
{ name: 'MENU-HOME-LINK-color', group: 'header', default: '#323232', tooltip: 'home button color if configured', },
{ name: 'MENU-HOME-LINK-HOVER-color', group: 'header', default: '#808080', tooltip: 'hoverd home button color if configured', },
{ name: 'MENU-SEARCH-color', group: 'header', default: '#e0e0e0', tooltip: 'text and icon color of search box', },
{ name: 'MENU-SEARCH-BG-color', group: 'header', default: '#323232', tooltip: 'background color of search box', },
{ name: 'MENU-SEARCH-BORDER-color', group: 'header', fallback: 'MENU-SEARCH-BG-color', tooltip: 'border color of search box', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTIONS-BG-color', group: 'sections', default: '#282828', tooltip: 'background of the menu; this is NOT just a color value but can be a complete CSS background definition including gradients, etc.', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTIONS-ACTIVE-BG-color', group: 'sections', default: 'rgba( 0, 0, 0, .166 )', tooltip: 'background color of the active menu section', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-color', group: 'sections', default: '#bababa', tooltip: 'link color of menu topics', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-HOVER-color', group: 'sections', fallback: 'MENU-SECTIONS-LINK-color', tooltip: 'hoverd link color of menu topics', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-color', group: 'sections', default: '#444444', tooltip: 'text color of the displayed menu topic', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-BG-color', group: 'sections', fallback: 'MAIN-BG-color', tooltip: 'background color of the displayed menu topic', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTION-ACTIVE-CATEGORY-BORDER-color', group: 'sections', default: 'transparent', tooltip: 'border color between the displayed menu topic and the content', },
{ name: 'MENU-SECTION-SEPARATOR-color', group: 'sections', default: '#606060', tooltip: 'separator color between menu sections and menu footer', },
{ name: 'MENU-VISITED-color', group: 'sections', fallback: 'SECONDARY-color', tooltip: 'icon color of visited menu topics if configured', },
{ name: 'BOX-CAPTION-color', group: 'colored boxes', default: 'rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1 )', tooltip: 'text color of colored box titles', },
{ name: 'BOX-BG-color', group: 'colored boxes', default: 'rgba( 255, 255, 255, .833 )', tooltip: 'background color of colored boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'MAIN-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of colored box content', },
{ name: 'BOX-BLUE-color', group: 'colored boxes', default: 'rgba( 48, 117, 229, 1 )', tooltip: 'background color of blue boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-INFO-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-BLUE-color', tooltip: 'background color of info boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-BLUE-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of blue boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-INFO-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-BLUE-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of info boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-GREEN-color', group: 'colored boxes', default: 'rgba( 42, 178, 24, 1 )', tooltip: 'background color of green boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-TIP-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-GREEN-color', tooltip: 'background color of tip boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-GREEN-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of green boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-TIP-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-GREEN-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of tip boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-GREY-color', group: 'colored boxes', default: 'rgba( 128, 128, 128, 1 )', tooltip: 'background color of grey boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-NEUTRAL-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-GREY-color', tooltip: 'background color of neutral boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-GREY-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of grey boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-NEUTRAL-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-GREY-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of neutral boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-ORANGE-color', group: 'colored boxes', default: 'rgba( 237, 153, 9, 1 )', tooltip: 'background color of orange boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-NOTE-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-ORANGE-color', tooltip: 'background color of note boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-ORANGE-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of orange boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-NOTE-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-ORANGE-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of note boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-RED-color', group: 'colored boxes', default: 'rgba( 224, 62, 62, 1 )', tooltip: 'background color of red boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-WARNING-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-RED-color', tooltip: 'background color of warning boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-RED-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of red boxes', },
{ name: 'BOX-WARNING-TEXT-color', group: 'colored boxes', fallback: 'BOX-RED-TEXT-color', tooltip: 'text color of warning boxes', },