# MPW: Manage your passwords!
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mpw is a little software which stores your passwords in [GnuPG](http://www.gnupg.org/) encrypted files.

## Features

 * generate random password
 * generate OTP code
 * copy your login, password or otp in clipboard
 * manage many wallets
 * share a wallet with others GPG keys

## Install

On debian or ubuntu:
apt install ruby ruby-dev xclip
gem install mpw

## How to use
### First steps

Initialize your first wallet:
mpw config --init user@host.com

Add your first item:
mpw add

And list your items:
mpw list
or search an item with
mpw list --pattern Da
mpw list --group bank

  ID | Host          | User      | Protocol | Port | OTP | Comment                
  1  | bank.com      | 1234456   | https    |      |  X  |                        

  ID | Host          | User      | Protocol | Port | OTP | Comment                
  2  | linuxfr.org   | example   | https    |      |     | Da Linux French Site


Copy a password, login or OTP code:
mpw copy -p linuxfr

Update an item:
mpw update -p linuxfr

Delete an item:
mpw delete -p linuxfr

### Manage wallets

List all available wallets:
mpw wallet --list

Create an other wallet:
mpw config --wallet work --init user@host.com

List all GPG keys in wallet:
mpw wallet --list-keys [--wallet NAME]

Share with an other GPG key:
mpw wallet --add-gpg-key test42@localhost.com
mpw wallet --add-gpg-key /path/to/file

Remove a GPG key:
mpw wallet --delete-gpg-key test42@localhost.com

### Export and import data

You can export your data in yaml file with your passwords in clear text:
mpw export --file export.yml

Import data from an yaml file:
mpw import --file import.yml

Example yaml file for mpw:

  host: bank.com
  user: 123456
  group: Bank
  password: secret
  protocol: https
  otp_key: 1afg34
  host: linuxfr.org
  user: example
  password: 'complex %- password'
  protocol: https
  comment: Da Linux French Site