--- en: error: bad_class: "The object class isn't valid!" config: write: "Can't write the config file!" load: "Checkconfig failed!" key_bad_format: "The key string isn't in the right format!" no_key_public: "You haven't entered the public key of %{key}!" genkey_gpg: exception: "Can't create the GPG key!" name: "You must define a name for your GPG key!" password: "You must define a password for your GPG key!" empty: "The class is empty" export: "Can't export, unable to write in %{file}!" export_key: "Can't export the GPG key" gpg_file: decrypt: "Can't decrypt file!" encrypt: "Can't encrypt the GPG file!" mpw_file: read_data: "Can't read the MPW file!" write_data: "Can't write the MPW file!" import: "Can't import, unable to read %{file}!" update: host_empty: "You must define a host!" warning: select: 'Your choice is not a valid item!' command: add: "Add a new item" config: "Manage the general config" copy: "Copy a login, password or OTP code" delete: "Delete an item" export: "Export the data in plain text" genpwd: "Generate a password" import: "Import data from a file" list: "Print the items" update: "Update an item" wallet: "Manage the wallet config" option: add: "Add an item or key" add_gpg_key: "Share the wallet with another GPG key" alpha: "Use letter to create a password" comment: "Specify a comment" config: "Specify the configuration file to use" clipboard: "Disable the clipboard feature" default_path: "Move the wallet to the default directory" default_wallet: "Specify the default wallet to use" delete_gpg_key: "Delete wallet sharing with an other GPG key" disable_alpha: "Don't use letters to create a password" disable_numeric: "Don't use numbers to generate a password" disable_pinmode: "Disable the pinentry mode" disable_special_chars: "Don't use special char to create a password" export: "Export a wallet in an yaml file" file_export: "Specify the file to export data" file_import: "Specify the file to import" force: "Do not ask confirmation when deleting an item" generate_password: "Create a random password (default 8 characters)" gpg_exe: "Set the gpg binary path to use" gpg_key: "Specify a GPG key (ex: user@example.com)" group: "Search the items with specified group" help: "Show this help message" host: "Specify a host or ip" init: "Initialize mpw" import: "Import item from an yaml file" key: "Define the key name" lang: "Set the software language" length: "Size of the password" list: "List the wallets" list_keys: "List the GPG keys in wallet" new_group: "Define a group for the item" numeric: "Use number to create a password" otp_code: "Set an otp key" path: "Move the wallet in new specify directory" pattern: "Given search pattern" pinmode: "Enable pinentry mode (available with gpg >= 2.1)" port: "Set a port of connexion" protocol: "Set a protocol of connexion" random_password: "Generate a random password" setup: "Create a new configuration file" setup_wallet: "Create a new configuration file for a wallet" special_chars: "Use special char to create a password" show: "Search and display the items" show_all: "Listing all items" text_editor: "Use text editor to edit the item" usage: "Use" user: "Set an user" wallet: "Specify a wallet to use" wallet_dir: "Set the wallets folder" form: select: choice: "Select the item: " error: "No item selected" add_key: valid: "Key has been added!" add_item: name: "Item name (mandatory)" group: "Group name" host: "Hostname or ip" protocol: "Connection protocol (ssh, http, ...)" login: "Connection ID" password: "Password" port: "Connection port" comment: "A comment" otp_key: "The OTP secret" valid: "Item has been added!" clipboard: choice: "What do you want to copy ? [q = quit, p = password, l = login]: " clean: "The clipboard has been cleaned." login: "The login has been copied in clipboard." password: "The password has been copied in clipboard for 30s!" otp: "The OTP code has been copied %{time}s!" url: "The URL has been copied in clipboard." help: name: "Help" url: "Press to copy URL" login: "Press to copy the login" password: "Press

to copy the password" otp_code: "Press to copy the otp code" quit: "Press to quit" delete_key: valid: "Key has been deleted!" delete_item: ask: "Are you sure you want to remove this item ?" valid: "The item has been removed!" import: ask: "Are you sure you want to import this file %{file} ?" file_empty: "The import file is empty!" file_not_exist: "The import file doesn't exist!" valid: "The import is successful!" not_valid: "No data to import!" set_config: valid: "The config file has been edited!" set_wallet_path: valid: "The wallet has been moved!" setup_config: title: "Setup a new config file" lang: "Choose your language (en, fr, ...) [default=%{lang}]: " gpg_key: "Enter the GPG key [ex: test@host.local]: " gpg_exe: "Enter the executable GPG path (optional): " wallet_dir: "Enter the wallets's folder path [default=%{home}/wallets]: " valid: "The config file has been created!" setup_gpg_key: title: "Setup a GPG key" ask: "Do you want to create your GPG key ? (Y/n)" no_create: "You must to create manually your GPG key or relaunch the software." name: "Your name and lastname: " password: "A password for the GPG key: " confirm_password: "Confirm your password: " error_password: "Your passwords aren't identical!" length: "Size of the GPG key [default=2048]: " expire: "Expire time of the GPG key [default=0 (unlimited)]: " wait: "Please wait until GPG key is created, this process can take a few minutes." valid: "Your GPG key has been created ;-)" update_item: name: "Item name (mandatory)" group: "Group name" host: "Hostname or ip" protocol: "Connection protocol (ssh, http, ...)" login: "Login id" password: "Password (leave empty if you don't want to update it)" port: "Connection port" comment: "A comment" otp_key: "Secret OTP (leave empty if you don't want to update it" valid: "Item has been updated!" export: valid: "The export in %{file} is successful!" display: comment: "Comment" config: "Configuration" error: "ERROR" keys: "GPG keys" gpg_password: "GPG password: " group: "Group" login: "Login" name: "Name" no_group: "Without group" nothing: "No matches!" otp_code: "OTP code" password: "Password" port: "Port" protocol: "Protocol" server: "Server" wallets: "Wallets" warning: "Warning" formats: default: ! '%Y-%m-%d' long: ! '%B %d, %Y' short: ! '%b %d' custom: ! '%A, %M %B, %Y @ %l:%M%P'