#!/usr/bin/ruby # author: nishiki # mail: nishiki@yaegashi.fr # info: a simple script who manage your passwords require 'rubygems' require 'gpgme' require 'csv' require 'net/ssh' require 'yaml' class MPW ID = 0 PROTOCOL = 1 SERVER = 2 LOGIN = 3 PASSWORD = 4 PORT = 5 COMMENT = 6 attr_accessor :error attr_accessor :error_msg # Constructor def initialize() @file_config = "#{Dir.home()}/.mpw.cfg" @error_mgs = nil @error = 0 end # Create a new config file # @args: key -> the gpg key to encrypt # file_gpg -> the file who is encrypted # file_pwd -> the file who stock the password # timeout_pwd -> time to save the password # @rtrn: true if le config file is create def setup(key, file_gpg, file_pwd, timeout_pwd) if not key =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z]+/ @error_msg = "The key string isn't in good format!" @error = 1 return false end if file_gpg.empty? file_gpg = "#{Dir.home()}/.mpw.gpg" end if file_pwd.empty? file_pwd = "#{Dir.home()}/.mpw.pwd" end timeout_pwd.empty? ? (timeout_pwd = 300) : (timeout_pwd = timeout_pwd.to_i) config = {'config' => {'key' => key, 'file_gpg' => file_gpg, 'timeout_pwd' => timeout_pwd, 'file_pwd' => file_pwd}} begin File.open(@file_config, 'w') do |file| file << config.to_yaml end rescue @error_msg = "Can't write the config file!" @error = 2 return false end return true end # Check the config file # @rtrn: true if the config file is correct def checkconfig() begin config = YAML::load_file(@file_config) @key = config['config']['key'] @file_gpg = config['config']['file_gpg'] @file_pwd = config['config']['file_pwd'] @timeout_pwd = config['config']['timeout_pwd'].to_i if @key.empty? || @file_gpg.empty? || @file_pwd.empty? return false end rescue @error_msg = "Checkconfig failed!" @error = 3 return false end return true end # Decrypt a gpg file # @args: password -> the GPG key password # @rtrn: true if data is decrypted def decrypt(passwd=nil) @data = "" begin if passwd.nil? || passwd.empty? passwd = IO.read(@file_pwd) elsif !passwd.nil? && !passwd.empty? file_pwd = File.new(@file_pwd, 'w') File.chmod(0600, @file_pwd) file_pwd << passwd file_pwd.close end rescue return false end begin if File.exist?(@file_gpg) crypto = GPGME::Crypto.new(:armor => true) @data = crypto.decrypt(IO.read(@file_gpg), :password => passwd).read end return true rescue if !@file_pwd.nil? && File.exist?(@file_pwd) File.delete(@file_pwd) end @error_msg = "Can't decrypt file!" @error = 4 return false end end # Check if a password it saved # @rtrn: true if a password exist in the password file def checkFilePassword() if !@file_pwd.nil? && File.exist?(@file_pwd) && File.stat(@file_pwd).mtime.to_i + @timeout_pwd < Time.now.to_i File.delete(@file_pwd) return false elsif !@file_pwd.nil? && File.exist?(@file_pwd) return true else return false end end # Encrypt a file def encrypt() begin crypto = GPGME::Crypto.new(:armor => true) file_gpg = File.open(@file_gpg, 'w+') crypto.encrypt(@data, :recipients => @key, :output => file_gpg) file_gpg.close return true rescue @error_msg = "Can't encrypt the GPG file!" @error = 5 return false end end # Search in some csv data # @args: search -> the string to search # type -> the connection type (ssh, web, other) # @rtrn: a list with the resultat of the search def search(search, protocol=nil) result = Array.new() @data.lines do |line| row = line.parse_csv if line =~ /^.*#{search}.*$/ || protocol.eql?('all') if protocol.nil? || protocol.eql?(row[PROTOCOL]) || protocol.eql?('all') result.push(row) end end end return result end # Search in some csv data # @args: id -> the id item # @rtrn: a row with the resultat of the search def searchById(id) @data.lines do |line| row = line.parse_csv if !id.nil? && id.eql?(row[ID]) return row end end return Array.new() end # Add a new item # @args: server -> the ip or server # protocol -> the protocol # login -> the login # passwd -> the password # port -> the port # comment -> a comment def add(server, protocol=nil, login=nil, passwd=nil, port=nil, comment=nil) row = Array.new() row[ID] = Time.now.to_i.to_s(16) row[SERVER] = server row[PROTOCOL] = protocol row[LOGIN] = login row[PASSWORD] = passwd row[PORT] = port row[COMMENT] = comment @data << "#{row.join(',')}\n" end # Update an item # @args: id -> the item's identifiant # server -> the ip or server # protocol -> the protocol # login -> the login # passwd -> the password # port -> the port # comment -> a comment # @rtrn: true if the item has been updated def update(id, server=nil, protocol=nil, login=nil, passwd=nil, port=nil, comment=nil) updated = false data_tmp = '' @data.lines do |line| row = line.parse_csv if id.eql?(row[ID]) row_update = Array.new() row_update[ID] = row[ID] server.empty? ? (row_update[SERVER] = row[SERVER]) : (row_update[SERVER] = server) protocol.empty? ? (row_update[PROTOCOL] = row[PROTOCOL]) : (row_update[PROTOCOL] = protocol) login.empty? ? (row_update[LOGIN] = row[LOGIN]) : (row_update[LOGIN] = login) passwd.empty? ? (row_update[PASSWORD] = row[PASSWORD]) : (row_update[PASSWORD] = passwd) port.empty? ? (row_update[PORT] = row[PORT]) : (row_update[PORT] = port) comment.empty? ? (row_update[COMMENT] = row[COMMENT]) : (row_update[COMMENT] = comment) data_tmp << "#{row_update.join(',')}\n" updated = true else data_tmp << line end end @data = data_tmp if not updated @error_msg = "Can't update the item: #{id}!" @error = 6 end return updated end # Remove an item # @args: id -> the item's identifiant # @rtrn: true if the item has been deleted def remove(id) removed = false data_tmp = "" @data.lines do |line| row = line.parse_csv if id.eql?(row[ID]) removed = true else data_tmp << line end end @data = data_tmp if not removed @error_msg = "Can't remove the item: #{id}!" @error = 7 end return removed end # Export to csv # @args: file -> a string to match # @rtrn: true if export work def export(file) begin File.open(file, 'w+') do |f| f << @data end return true rescue @error_msg = "Can't export, impossible to write in #{file}!" @error = 8 return false end end # Import to csv # @args: search -> a string to match # @rtrn: true if the import work def import(file) begin data_new = IO.read(file) data_new.lines do |line| if not line =~ /(.*,){6}/ @error_msg = "Can't import, the file is bad format!" @error = 9 return false end end @data << data_new return true rescue @error_msg = "Can't import, impossible to read #{file}!" @error = 10 return false end end # Connect to ssh && display the password # @args: file -> a string to match # @rtrn: true if ssh connection work def ssh(search) result = self.search(search, 'ssh') if result.length > 0 result.each do |r| server = r[SERVER] login = r[LOGIN] port = r[PORT] passwd = r[PASSWORD] if port.empty? port = 22 end if passwd.empty? system("#{passwd} ssh #{login}@#{server} -p #{port}") else system("sshpass -p #{passwd} ssh #{login}@#{server} -p #{port}") end end return true else return false end end end