## v4.0.0

 * feature: set default wallet
 * add option for generate a random password when you update an item
 * fix encryption when you share an existing wallet
 * several bugs fix

## v4.0.0-beta1

 * add manage share key with new interface

## v4.0.0-beta

 * new interface with a table
 * new command line interface
 * use text editor for add or update an item
 * fix generate gpg key with RSA
 * several bugs fix
 * add unit tests

## v3.2.1

 * fix bug when add a new item

## v3.2.0

 * add support OTP
 * fix bug in synchronize
 * improve interface

## v3.1.0

 * add clipboard
 * can change gpg version
 * minor change in interface
 * several bugs fix

## v3.0.0

 * new storage format
 * new share system
 * remove MPW server

## v2.0.0

 * change format csv to yaml
 * easy install with gem
 * add sync with ftp and ssh
 * many improvement

## v1.1.0

 * Add sync with MPW Server
 * Add MPW Server
 * Fix minors bugs