--- en_US: error: add: name_empty: "You must define a name!" config: write: "Can't write the config file!" check: "Checkconfig failed!" key_bad_format: "The key string isn't in good format!" delete: id_no_exist: "Can't delete the item, the item %{id} doesn't exist!" export: write: "Can't export, impossible to write in %{file}!" gpg_file: decrypt: "Can't decrypt file!" encrypt: "Can't encrypt the GPG file!" import: bad_format: "Can't import, the file is bad format!" read: "Can't import, impossible to read %{file}!" update: id_no_exist: "Can't update the item, the item %{id} doesn't exist!" cli: form: add: title: "Add a new item" name: "Enter the name: " group: "Enter the group [default=NoGroup]: " server: "Enter the hostname or ip: " protocol: "Enter the protocol of the connection (ssh, http, other): " login: "Enter the login connection: " password: "Enter the the password: " port: "Enter the connection port (optinal): " comment: "Enter a comment (optinal): " valid: "Item has been added!" delete: ask: "Are you sure to remove the item: %{id} ?" valid: "The item %{id} has been removed!" not_valid: "The item %{id} hasn't been removed, because it doesn't exist!" import: ask: "Are you sure to import this file: %{file} ?" valid: "The import is succesfull!" not_valid: "No data to import!" setup: title: "Setup a new config file" lang: "Choose your language (en, fr, ...): " gpg_key: "Enter the GPG key: " gpg_file: "Enter the path to encrypt file [default=%{home}/.mpw.gpg]: " timeout: "Enter the timeout (in seconde) to GPG password [default=60]: " valid: "The config file has been created!" update: title: "Update an item" name: "Enter the name [%{name}]: " group: "Enter the group [%{group}]: " server: "Enter the hostname or ip [%{server}]: " protocol: "Enter the protocol of the connection [%{protocol}]: " login: "Enter the login connection [%{login}]: " password: "Enter the the password: " port: "Enter the connection port [%{port}]: " comment: "Enter a comment [%{comment}]: " valid: "Item has been updated!" interactive: ask_password: "Password GPG: " bad_password: "Bad password!" goodbye: "Goodbye!" unknown_command: "Unknown command!" display: comment: "Comment" error: "ERROR" gpg_password: "Password GPG: " group: "Group" login: "Login" name: "Name" nothing: "Nothing result!" password: "Password" port: "Port" protocol: "Protocol" server: "Server" formats: default: ! '%Y-%m-%d' long: ! '%B %d, %Y' short: ! '%b %d' custom: ! '%A, %M %B, %Y @ %l:%M%P'