#!/usr/bin/ruby # author: nishiki # mail: nishiki@yaegashi.fr # info: a simple script who m your passwords require 'rubygems' require 'highline/import' require 'pathname' require "#{APP_ROOT}/MPW.rb" class Cli # Constructor def initialize() @m = MPW.new() if not @m.checkconfig() self.setup() end if not self.decrypt() puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" exit 2 end end # Create a new config file def setup() puts "# Setup a new config file" puts "# --------------------" key = ask("Enter the GPG key: ") file_gpg = ask("Enter the path to encrypt file [default=#{Dir.home()}/.mpw.gpg]: ") file_pwd = ask("Enter te path to password file [default=#{Dir.home()}/.mpw.pwd]: ") timeout_pwd = ask("Enter the timeout (in seconde) to GPG password [default=300]: ") if @m.setup(key, file_gpg, file_pwd, timeout_pwd) puts "The config file has been created!" else puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" end end # Request the GPG password and decrypt the file def decrypt() if not @m.checkFilePassword() passwd = ask("Password GPG: ") {|q| q.echo = false} return @m.decrypt(passwd) else return @m.decrypt() end end # Display the query's result # @args: search -> the string to search # protocol -> search from a particular protocol def display(search, protocol=nil) result = @m.search(search, protocol) if not result.empty? i = 0 result.each do |r| puts "# --------------------" puts "# Id: #{i}" puts "# Name: #{r[MPW::NAME]}" puts "# Group: #{r[MPW::GROUP]}" puts "# Server: #{r[MPW::SERVER]}" puts "# Type: #{r[MPW::PROTOCOL]}" puts "# Login: #{r[MPW::LOGIN]}" puts "# Password: #{r[MPW::PASSWORD]}" puts "# Port: #{r[MPW::PORT]}" puts "# Comment: #{r[MPW::COMMENT]}" i += 1 end else puts "Nothing result!" end end # Form to add a new item def add() row = Array.new() puts "# Add a new item" puts "# --------------------" name = ask("Enter the name: ") group = ask("Enter the group [default=No Group]: ") server = ask("Enter the hostname or ip: ") protocol = ask("Enter the type of connection (ssh, web, other): ") login = ask("Enter the login connection: ") passwd = ask("Enter the the password: ") port = ask("Enter the connection port (optinal): ") comment = ask("Enter a comment (optinal): ") if @m.add(name, group, server, protocol, login, passwd, port, comment) if @m.encrypt() puts "Item has been added!" else puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" end else puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" end end # Update an item # @args: id -> the item's id def update(id) row = @m.searchById(id) if not row.empty? puts "# Update an item" puts "# --------------------" name = ask("Enter the name [#{row[MPW::NAME]}]: ") group = ask("Enter the group [#{row[MPW::GROUP]}]: ") server = ask("Enter the hostname or ip [#{row[MPW::SERVER]}]: ") protocol = ask("Enter the type of connection [#{row[MPW::PROTOCOL]}]: ") login = ask("Enter the login connection [#{row[MPW::LOGIN]}]: ") passwd = ask("Enter the the password: ") port = ask("Enter the connection port [#{row[MPW::PORT]}]: ") comment = ask("Enter a comment [#{row[MPW::COMMENT]}]: ") if @m.update(id, name, group, server, protocol, login, passwd, port, comment) if @m.encrypt() puts "Item has been updated!" else puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" end else puts "Nothing item has been updated!" end else puts "Nothing result!" end end # Remove an item # @args: id -> the item's id # force -> no resquest a validation def remove(id, force=false) if not force result = @m.searchById(id) puts "# --------------------" puts "# Id: #{id}" puts "# Name: #{result[MPW::NAME]}" puts "# Group: #{result[MPW::GROUP]}" puts "# Server: #{result[MPW::SERVER]}" puts "# Type: #{result[MPW::PROTOCOL]}" puts "# Login: #{result[MPW::LOGIN]}" puts "# Port: #{result[MPW::PORT]}" puts "# Comment: #{result[MPW::COMMENT]}" confirm = ask("Are you sure to remove the item: #{id} ? (y/N) ") if confirm =~ /^(y|yes|YES|Yes|Y)$/ force = true end end if force if @m.remove(id) if @m.encrypt() puts "The item #{id} has been removed!" else puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" end else puts "Nothing item has been removed!" end end end # Export the items in a CSV file # @args: file -> the destination file def export(file) if @m.export(file) puts "The export in #{file} is succesfull!" else puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" end end # Import items from a CSV file # @args: file -> the import file # force -> no resquest a validation def import(file, force=false) result = @m.importPreview(file) if not force if result.is_a?(Array) && !result.empty? i = 0 result.each do |r| puts "# --------------------" puts "# Id: #{i}" puts "# Name: #{r[MPW::NAME]}" puts "# Group: #{r[MPW::GROUP]}" puts "# Server: #{r[MPW::SERVER]}" puts "# Type: #{r[MPW::PROTOCOL]}" puts "# Login: #{r[MPW::LOGIN]}" puts "# Password: #{r[MPW::PASSWORD]}" puts "# Port: #{r[MPW::PORT]}" puts "# Comment: #{r[MPW::COMMENT]}" i += 1 end confirm = ask("Are you sure to import this file: #{file} ? (y/N) ") if confirm =~ /^(y|yes|YES|Yes|Y)$/ force = true end else puts "No data to import!" end end if force if @m.import(file) && @m.encrypt() puts "The import is succesfull!" else puts "ERROR: #{@m.error_msg}" end end end end