2022-02-16 22:22:17 +00:00

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<title>Tests on Documentat&#39;n fer Cap&#39;n Hugo Relearrrn Theme</title>
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<pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
<description>Arrr Fello&#39; pirrates, be awarrre some featurrres may not work fer us in this trrranslat&#39;n. Like table of rrramblings and stuff.
Some test&#39;n fer different styles used &#39;n rules highlightn&#39;n an&#39; preformatted blocks.
Inline Code This be some very long inline code. Whar&#39; does it wrap?
What about wrapp&#39;n short inline code if multiple sections be written side by side?
What about wrapp&#39;n short inline code if multiple sections be written side/by/side?</description>