mirisbowring 6cfd61e0f6
Navigation home option ()
* enabled mermaid by default

* implemented logic to use internal oder cdn mermaid

* added english documentation

* added french translation for the mermaid options

* Removed useless test print

* Hugo does not use upper case letters in params

* fixed false sample link

* improved mermaid pages

* fixed always load mermaid if no frontmatter specified

* applied 3 new params to default config

* Implemented Home Button logic

* Applied default style

* applied same landingpage ref to logo partials

* added sample image, how the button will looks like

* added en documentation on how to configure the button

* translated home button configuration to french via deepl

* applied home button style to theme variants

* set button disabled by default

* fixed mermaid samples

* removed obsolete css files

* changed default version of mermaid cdn

* renamed mermaidURL to customMermaidURL and removed css link

* improved mermaid configuration description

Co-authored-by: Arthur Ferdinand Lindner <>
Co-authored-by: Arthur Ferdinand Lindner <>
2020-10-21 17:53:27 +01:00

160 lines
6 KiB

<nav id="sidebar" class="{{if $.Site.Params.showVisitedLinks }}showVisitedLinks{{end}}">
{{ $currentNode := . }}
{{ $showvisitedlinks := .Site.Params.showVisitedLinks }}
<div id="header-wrapper">
<div id="header">
{{ partial "logo.html" . }}
{{if not .Site.Params.disableSearch}}
{{ partial "search.html" . }}
{{if not .Site.Params.disableLandingPageButton }}
<section id="homelinks">
<a class="padding" href='{{ (cond (and (ne .Site.Params.landingPageURL nil) (.Site.IsMultiLingual)) .Site.Params.landingPageURL "/") }}'>{{ safeHTML (cond (ne .Site.Params.landingPageName nil) .Site.Params.landingPageName "<i class='fas fa-home'></i> Home") }}</a>
<div class="highlightable">
<ul class="topics">
{{if eq .Site.Params.ordersectionsby "title"}}
{{range .Site.Home.Sections.ByTitle}}
{{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks}}
{{range .Site.Home.Sections.ByWeight}}
{{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks}}
{{ $disableShortcutsTitle := .Site.Params.DisableShortcutsTitle}}
{{with .Site.Menus.shortcuts}}
<section id="shortcuts">
<h3>{{ if not $disableShortcutsTitle}}{{ T "Shortcuts-Title"}}{{ end }}</h3>
{{ range sort . "Weight"}}
{{.Pre}}<a class="padding" href="{{.URL | absLangURL }}">{{safeHTML .Name}}</a>{{.Post}}
{{ if or .Site.IsMultiLingual $showvisitedlinks }}
<section id="prefooter">
{{ if and .Site.IsMultiLingual (not .Site.Params.DisableLanguageSwitchingButton)}}
<a class="padding">
<i class="fas fa-language fa-fw"></i>
<div class="select-style">
<select id="select-language" onchange="location = this.value;">
{{ $siteLanguages := .Site.Languages}}
{{ $pageLang := .Page.Lang}}
{{ range .Page.AllTranslations }}
{{ $translation := .}}
{{ range $siteLanguages }}
{{ if eq $translation.Lang .Lang }}
{{ $selected := false }}
{{ if eq $pageLang .Lang}}
<option id="{{ $translation.Language }}" value="{{ $translation.Permalink }}" selected>{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
{{ else }}
<option id="{{ $translation.Language }}" value="{{ $translation.Permalink }}">{{ .LanguageName }}</option>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="255px" height="255px" viewBox="0 0 255 255" style="enable-background:new 0 0 255 255;" xml:space="preserve">
<g id="arrow-drop-down">
<polygon points="0,63.75 127.5,191.25 255,63.75 " />
{{ if $showvisitedlinks}}
<li><a class="padding" href="#" data-clear-history-toggle=""><i class="fas fa-history fa-fw"></i> {{T "Clear-History"}}</a></li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<section id="footer">
{{ partial "menu-footer.html" . }}
<!-- templates -->
{{ define "section-tree-nav" }}
{{ $showvisitedlinks := .showvisitedlinks }}
{{ $currentNode := .currentnode }}
{{ $currentFileUniqueID := "" }}
{{ with $currentNode.File }}{{ $currentFileUniqueID = .UniqueID }}{{ end }}
{{with .sect}}
{{if and .IsSection (or (not .Params.hidden) $.showhidden)}}
{{safeHTML .Params.head}}
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" title="{{.Title}}" class="dd-item
{{if .IsAncestor $currentNode }}parent{{end}}
{{if eq .File.UniqueID $currentFileUniqueID}}active{{end}}
{{if .Params.alwaysopen}}parent{{end}}
<a href="{{.RelPermalink}}">
{{safeHTML .Params.Pre}}{{or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title}}{{safeHTML .Params.Post}}
{{ if $showvisitedlinks}}
<i class="fas fa-check read-icon"></i>
{{ end }}
{{ $numberOfPages := (add (len .Pages) (len .Sections)) }}
{{ if ne $numberOfPages 0 }}
{{ $currentNode.Scratch.Set "pages" .Pages }}
{{ if .Sections}}
{{ $currentNode.Scratch.Set "pages" (.Pages | union .Sections) }}
{{ $pages := ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "pages") }}
{{if eq .Site.Params.ordersectionsby "title"}}
{{ range $pages.ByTitle }}
{{ if and .Params.hidden (not $.showhidden) }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $pages.ByWeight }}
{{ if and .Params.hidden (not $.showhidden) }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav" dict "sect" . "currentnode" $currentNode "showvisitedlinks" $showvisitedlinks }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not .Params.Hidden }}
<li data-nav-id="{{.RelPermalink}}" title="{{.Title}}" class="dd-item {{if eq .File.UniqueID $currentFileUniqueID}}active{{end}}">
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink}}">
{{safeHTML .Params.Pre}}{{or .Params.menuTitle .LinkTitle .Title}}{{safeHTML .Params.Post}}
{{ if $showvisitedlinks}}<i class="fas fa-check read-icon"></i>{{end}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}