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{{ if .Params.chapter }}
</div> <!-- end chapter-->
{{ end }}
{{ with .Site.Params.menu }}
{{ range $index, $element := . }}
{{ with index $.Site.Params.menu (sub $index 1)}}
{{ $prev := index (last 1 (index $.Site.Sections .)) 0 }}
{{ $.Scratch.SetInMap $element "prev" $prev }}
{{ end }}
{{ with index $.Site.Params.menu (add $index 1)}}
{{ $next := index (first 1 (index $.Site.Sections .)) 0 }}
{{ $.Scratch.SetInMap $element "next" $next }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ range $key, $section := $.Site.Sections }}
{{ with $prevSec := $.Scratch.Get "prevIter"}}
{{ with index $.Site.Sections . }}
{{ $.Scratch.SetInMap $key "prev" (index (last 1 .) 0) }}
{{ $.Scratch.SetInMap $prevSec "next" (index (first 1 $section) 0) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "prevIter" $key }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<div id="navigation">
{{ $secpages := sort (where .Site.RegularPages "Section" .Section) "Weight" }}
{{ range $index, $element := $secpages }}
{{if eq $element.UniqueID $.UniqueID }}
{{ if not (isset $.Params "prev") }}
{{ with index $secpages (sub $index 1) | default ($.Scratch.Get $.Section).prev.Page}}
<a class="nav nav-prev" href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}{{ .URL }}"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (isset $.Params "next") }}
{{ with index $secpages (add $index 1) | default ($.Scratch.Get $.Section).next.Page}}
<a class="nav nav-next" href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}{{ .URL }}" style="margin-right: 0px;"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.prev }}<a class="nav nav-prev" href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}{{ . }}"> <i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></a>{{ end }}
{{ with .Params.next }}<a class="nav nav-next" href="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}{{ . }}" style="margin-right: 0px;"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a>{{ end }}
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{{ partial "script.html" . }}