Sören Weber 8b70bdf31a
Some checks failed
docs-build-deployment / Run deploy (push) Has been cancelled
docs-build / Run build (push) Has been cancelled
theme: guard access to page.File.Filename #1005
2025-01-31 14:57:16 +01:00

153 lines
4.5 KiB

{{- $page := .page }}
{{- if and (not $page) .context }}
{{- $page = .context }}
{{- $filepath := "[virtual file]" }}{{ with and $page $page.File $page.File.Filename }}{{ $filepath = . }}{{ end }}
{{- warnf "%q: DEPRECATED parameter 'context' for shortcode 'piratify' found, use 'page' instead; see" $filepath }}
{{- end }}
{{- $content := .content }}
{{- $pagefield := cond (ne $content nil) nil (.pagefield | default "Content") }}
{{- $writenotice := cond (ne .writenotice nil) .writenotice false }}
{{- $langtrg := "pir" }}
{{- $langsrc := cond (eq $page.Language.Lang $langtrg) (.langsrc | default "en") $page.Language.Lang }}
{{- $baseURL := urls.Parse site.BaseURL }}
{{- $baseURLpath := $baseURL.Path | default "/" }}
{{- $l := $page.RelPermalink }}
{{- $c := "" }}
{{- $srcPage := "" }}
{{- if ne $content nil }}
{{- $c = $content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "Content" }}
{{- $c = $page.Content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "TableOfContents" }}
{{- $c = $page.TableOfContents }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $page.AllTranslations }}
{{- if eq .Language.Lang $langsrc }}
{{- $l = .RelPermalink }}
{{- if ne $content nil }}
{{- $c = $content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "Content" }}
{{- $c = .Content }}
{{- $srcPage = . }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "TableOfContents" }}
{{- $c = .TableOfContents }}
{{- end }}
{{- break }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $page.Language.Lang $langtrg }}
{{- if $writenotice }}
{{- partial "shortcodes/notice.html" (dict
"page" $page
"content" "<p>Fello' pirrrates, grog made us dizzy! Be awarrre some stuff may look weird in this trrranslat'n. Like seeing Merrrmaids and stuff.</p>\n"
"icon" "skull-crossbones"
"style" "warning"
"title" "Arrr! Pirrrates"
) }}
{{- end }}
{{- $words := dict
"Hugo" "Cap'n Hugo"
"Info" "Ahoi"
"Note" "Avast"
"Tip" "Smarrrt Arrrse"
"Warning" "Arrr"
"good" "bloody"
"shortcodes" "shorrrtcodes"
"Shortcodes" "Shorrrtcodes"
"Mermaid" "Merrrmaid"
"Markdown" "Marrrkdown"
"Markup" "Marrrkup"
"markup" "marrrkup"
"for" "fer"
"Your" "Yer"
"your" "yer"
"You" "Ye"
"you" "ye"
"the" "th'"
"The" "Th'"
"is" "be"
"Is" "Be"
"are" "be"
"Are" "Be"
"Of" "O'"
"of" "o'"
"To" "T'"
"to" "t'"
"in" "'n"
"With" "Wit'"
"with" "wit'"
"Where" "Whar'"
"where" "whar'"
"After" "Aft"
"And" "An'"
"and" "an'"
"Load" "Board"
"load" "board"
"Loaded" "Boarded"
"loaded" "boarded"
"Content" "Rrrambling"
"content" "rrrambling"
"icon" "ay'con"
"Icon" "Ay'con"
"icons" "ay'cons"
"Icons" "Ay'cons"
"syntax" "rules"
"Syntax" "Rules"
"Site" "Ship"
"site" "ship"
"Page" "Plank"
"page" "plank"
"Pages" "Planks"
"pages" "planks"
"Relearn" "Relearrrn"
"Learn" "Learrrn"
{{- $specials := dict
"(\\w)ing([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'n"
"(\\w)ings([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'ns"
"(\\w)tion([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "t'n"
"(\\w)tions([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "t'ns"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])ble([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'ble"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])mize([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'mize"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])mizes([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'mizes"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])nize([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'nize"
"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])nizes([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'nizes"
{{- $links := slice
{{- $fix := dict
"warn'n" "warning"
"sect'n" "section"
"n Cap'n" "n"
"Avast right o' John" "Note right of John"
{{- range $from, $to := $words }}
{{- $c = replaceRE (printf "([\\s\\n>])%s([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" $from) (printf "${1}%s${2}" $to) $c }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $from, $to := $specials }}
{{- $c = replaceRE $from (printf "${1}%s${2}" $to) $c }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $attr := $links }}
{{- $c = replaceRE (printf "\\b(%s)(=\"%s[^\"]*?\")" $attr $baseURLpath) "${1} data-piratify${2}" $c }}
{{- $m := findRESubmatch (printf "%s data-piratify=\"(%s)([^\"]*?)\"" $attr $baseURLpath) $c }}
{{- range $m }}
{{- $r := printf "%s=\"%s\"" $attr (index . 2) }}
{{- $u := urls.Parse (index . 2) }}
{{- if and (not $u.IsAbs) $u.Path }}
{{- $r = printf "%s=\"%s%s/%s\"" $attr $baseURLpath $langtrg (index . 2) }}
{{- end }}
{{- $c = replace $c (index . 0) $r }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $from, $to := $fix }}
{{- $c = replace $c $from $to }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $srcPage }}
{{- range $page.Site.Params.relearn.dependencies }}
{{- $has := printf "has%s" .name }}
{{- $page.Store.Set $has (or ($page.Store.Get $has) ($srcPage.Store.Get $has)) }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $c | safeHTML }}