mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 22:29:31 +00:00
260 lines
11 KiB
Go Template
260 lines
11 KiB
Go Template
{{- $page := . }}
{{- $nonautothemevariants := slice }}
{{- $formathtmlpre := ":root:not([data-r-output-format='print']):not([data-r-theme-variant='my-custom-variant'])" }}
{{- $formathtml := "" }}
{{- $minify := not hugo.IsServer }}
{{- if and (isset site.Params "minify") (ne site.Params.minify "") }}
{{- $minify = site.Params.minify }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
Unification run:
- convert from old forms to slice of dicts
- add default name property
- convert auto property to slice
- remember default variants for auto mode
{{- $tempthemevariants := slice | append (.Site.Params.themeVariant | default "auto" ) }}
{{- $themevariants := slice }}
{{- range $tempthemevariant := $tempthemevariants }}
{{- $themevariant := $tempthemevariant }}
{{- if not (reflect.IsMap $themevariant) }}
{{- $themevariant = dict "identifier" $tempthemevariant }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not $themevariant.name }}
{{- $themevariant = collections.Merge $themevariant (dict "name" ($themevariant.identifier | humanize | strings.Title)) }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $themevariant.identifier "auto" }}
{{- $themevariant = collections.Merge $themevariant (dict "auto" ($themevariant.auto | default slice)) }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not (isset $themevariant "auto") }}
{{- $nonautothemevariants = $nonautothemevariants | append $themevariant.identifier }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $themevariant.identifier "my-custom-variant" }}
{{- errorf "\"theme-%s.css\": the variant identifier '%s' is reserved for the theme's variant generator, instead rename it to something different" "my-custom-variant" "my-custom-variant" }}
{{- end }}
{{- $themevariants = $themevariants | append $themevariant }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
Generator run:
- fill up auto property with defaults
- write variant & chroma CSS string of normal variants and for light and dark of auto variants
{{- $defaultautothemevariants := slice }}
{{- $defaultautothemevariants = $defaultautothemevariants | append (index .Site.Params.themeVariantAuto 0 | default (index $nonautothemevariants 0) | default "relearn-light") }}
{{- $defaultautothemevariants = $defaultautothemevariants | append (index .Site.Params.themeVariantAuto 1 | default (index $nonautothemevariants 1) | default "relearn-dark") }}
{{- $tempthemevariants = $themevariants }}
{{- $themevariants = slice }}
{{- range $tempthemevariant := $tempthemevariants }}
{{- $themevariant := $tempthemevariant }}
{{- if collections.IsSet $themevariant "auto" }}
{{- $light := index $themevariant.auto 0 | default (index $defaultautothemevariants 0) }}
{{- $dark := index $themevariant.auto 1 | default (index $defaultautothemevariants 1) }}
{{- $themevariant = collections.Merge $themevariant (dict "auto" (slice | append $light | append $dark)) }}
{{- $lightthemevariant := partial "get-theme-details.html" (dict "themevariant" $themevariant "identifier" $light) }}
{{- $darkthemevariant := partial "get-theme-details.html" (dict "themevariant" $themevariant "identifier" $dark) }}
{{- $formathtmlpre = print $formathtmlpre
":not([data-r-theme-variant='" $themevariant.identifier "'])"
{{- $formathtml = print $formathtml
"\n:root:not([data-r-output-format='print'])[data-r-theme-variant='" $themevariant.identifier "'] {"
"\n@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: light) {"
"\n" $lightthemevariant.themecontent
"\n" $lightthemevariant.chromacontent
"\n@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {"
"\n" $darkthemevariant.themecontent
"\n" $darkthemevariant.chromacontent
{{- else }}
{{- $themevariant = partial "get-theme-details.html" (dict "themevariant" $themevariant "identifier" $themevariant.identifier)}}
{{- $formathtmlpre = print $formathtmlpre
":not([data-r-theme-variant='" $themevariant.identifier "'])"
{{- $formathtml = print $formathtml
"\n:root:not([data-r-output-format='print'])[data-r-theme-variant='" $themevariant.identifier "'] {"
"\n" $themevariant.themecontent
"\n" $themevariant.chromacontent
{{- end }}
{{- $themevariants = $themevariants | append $themevariant }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
- Read default stuff
{{- $defaultthemevariant := partial "get-theme-details.html" (dict "themevariant" (dict) "identifier" "relearn-light") }}
{{- $nucleuscontent := "" }}
{{- with resources.Get "css/nucleus.css" }}
{{- $nucleuscontent = .Content }}
{{- end }}
{{- $fontscontent := "" }}
{{- with resources.Get "css/fonts.css" }}
{{- $fontscontent = .Content }}
{{- end }}
{{- $htmlcontent := "" }}
{{- with resources.Get "css/format-html.css" }}
{{- $htmlcontent = .Content }}
{{- end }}
{{- $printcontent := "" }}
{{- with resources.Get "css/format-print.css" }}
{{- $printcontent = .Content }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
- Read variables.css and add custom box styles
{{- $variablescontent := "" }}
{{- with resources.Get "css/variables.css" }}
{{- $boxcontent := "" }}
{{- range $page.Site.Params.boxStyle }}
{{- $identifier := upper .identifier }}
{{- $boxcontent = print $boxcontent
"\n --INTERNAL-BOX-" $identifier "-color: var(--BOX-" $identifier "-color, " .color ");"
"\n --INTERNAL-BOX-" $identifier "-TEXT-color: var(--BOX-" $identifier "-TEXT-color, var(--INTERNAL-BOX-TEXT-color));"
{{- end }}
{{- $variablescontent = print
":root {"
"\n" .Content
{{- end }}
{{- /*
- Write theme.css
{{- with resources.Get "css/theme.css" }}
{{- $boxcontent := "" }}
{{- range $page.Site.Params.boxStyle }}
{{- $identifier := upper .identifier }}
{{- $identifierl := lower .identifier }}
{{- $boxcontent = print $boxcontent
"\n.cstyle." $identifierl " {"
"\n --VARIABLE-BOX-color: var(--INTERNAL-BOX-" $identifier "-color);"
"\n --VARIABLE-BOX-TEXT-color: var(--INTERNAL-BOX-" $identifier "-TEXT-color);"
{{- end }}
{{- $themecontent := print
"\n\n" $nucleuscontent
"\n" .Content
"\n" $fontscontent
{{- $cssres := $themecontent | resources.FromString "css/theme.css" }}
{{- if $minify }}
{{- $cssres = $cssres | minify }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* the following code causes Hugo to generate our css file - although it is in comments */}}<!-- {{ $cssres.RelPermalink }} -->
{{- end }}
{{- /*
- Write swagger.css
{{- with resources.Get "css/swagger.css" }}
{{- $swaggercontent := print
$variablescontent "\n"
.Content "\n"
$fontscontent "\n"
{{- $cssres := $swaggercontent | resources.FromString "css/swagger.css" }}
{{- if $minify }}
{{- $cssres = $cssres | minify }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* the following code causes Hugo to generate our css file - although it is in comments */}}<!-- {{ $cssres.RelPermalink }} -->
{{- end }}
{{- /*
- Write format-html.css
{{- $htmlcontent = print
"@media screen {"
"\n" $formathtmlpre ","
"\n@media print {"
"\n" $defaultthemevariant.themecontent
"\n" $defaultthemevariant.chromacontent
"\n@media print {"
"\n" $printcontent
"\n" $htmlcontent
{{- $cssres := $htmlcontent | resources.FromString "css/format-html.css" }}
{{- if $minify }}
{{- $cssres = $cssres | minify }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* the following code causes Hugo to generate our css file - although it is in comments */}}<!-- {{ $cssres.RelPermalink }} -->
{{- /*
- Write format-print.css
{{- $printcontent = print
":root[data-r-output-format='print'] {"
"\n" $defaultthemevariant.themecontent
"\n" $defaultthemevariant.chromacontent
"\n" $printcontent
{{- $cssres := $printcontent | resources.FromString "css/format-print.css" }}
{{- if $minify }}
{{- $cssres = $cssres | minify }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* the following code causes Hugo to generate our css file - although it is in comments */}}<!-- {{ $cssres.RelPermalink }} -->
{{- return $themevariants }}
{{- define "partials/get-theme-details.html" }}
{{- $themevariant := .themevariant }}
{{- $identifier := .identifier }}
{{- $themecontent := "" }}
{{- with resources.Get (printf "css/theme-%s.css" $identifier) }}
{{- $themecontent = replaceRE `([ \t]*)(:root)` "${1}&${2}" .Content }}
{{- else }}
{{- errorf "\"theme-%s.css\": file not found in \"assets/css\"; if you are migrating from a theme version older thant 6.0.0, you have to move it over from \"static/css\"" $identifier }}
{{- end }}
{{- $chroma := "" }}
{{- $chromacontent := "" }}
{{- range findRESubmatch `[ \t]*@import\s+[^$]*?chroma-([^.]*?)\.css` $themecontent }}
{{- $chroma = index . 1 }}
{{- errorf "\"theme-%s.css\": UNSUPPORTED use of @import for chroma stylesheet, instead use '--CODE-theme: %s;'; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/introduction/releasenotes/6/#6-0-0" $identifier $chroma }}
{{- end }}
{{- $tempthemecontent := $themecontent }}
{{- range findRESubmatch `[ \t]*@import\s+[^$]*?theme-([^.]*?)\.css` $themecontent }}
{{- $subidentifier := index . 1 }}
{{- $themevariant = partial "get-theme-details.html" (dict "themevariant" $themevariant "identifier" $subidentifier) }}
{{- $tempthemecontent = replaceRE (printf `[ \t]*@import\s+[^$]*?theme-%s\.css["']?\s*\)?\s*;?` $subidentifier) $themevariant.themecontent $tempthemecontent 1 }}
{{- $chroma = $themevariant.chroma }}
{{- $chromacontent = $themevariant.chromacontent }}
{{- end }}
{{- $themecontent = replaceRE `(&\s*)+:root` "&:root" $tempthemecontent }}
{{- range findRESubmatch `[ \t]*--CODE-theme\s*:\s*([^;]*?)\s*;` $themecontent }}
{{- $chroma = index . 1 }}
{{- $cssres := resources.Get (printf "css/chroma-%s.css" $chroma) }}
{{- if not $cssres }}
{{- errorf "\"chroma-%s.css\": file not found in \"assets/css\"; if you are migrating from a theme version older thant 6.0.0, you have to move it over from \"static/css\"" $chroma }}
{{- end }}
{{- $chromacontent = $cssres.Content }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not $chroma }}
{{- $chroma = "relearn-light" }}
{{- $cssres := resources.Get (printf "css/chroma-%s.css" $chroma) }}
{{- if not $cssres }}
{{- errorf "\"chroma-%s.css\": file not found in \"assets/css\"; if you are migrating from a theme version older thant 6.0.0, you have to move it over from \"static/css\"" $chroma }}
{{- end }}
{{- $chromacontent = $cssres.Content }}
{{- $themecontent = replaceRE `(:root\s*\{[ \t]*)(\s*)` (printf "${1}${2}--CODE-theme: %s;${2}" $chroma) $themecontent }}
{{- end }}
{{- $themevariant = collections.Merge $themevariant (dict "themecontent" $themecontent) }}
{{- $themevariant = collections.Merge $themevariant (dict "chroma" $chroma) }}
{{- $themevariant = collections.Merge $themevariant (dict "chromacontent" $chromacontent) }}
{{- return $themevariant }}
{{- end }} |