
214 lines
7.8 KiB

# this is a required setting for this theme to appear on
# change this to a value appropriate for you; if your site is served from a subdirectory
# set it like ""
baseURL = ""
# canonicalization will only be used for the sitemap.xml and index.xml files;
# if set to false, a site served from a subdirectory will generate wrong links
# inside of the above mentioned files; if you serve the page from the servers root
# you are free to set the value to false as recommended by the official Hugo documentation
canonifyURLs = true # true -> all relative URLs would instead be canonicalized using baseURL
# required value to serve this page from a webserver AND the file system;
# if you don't want to serve your page from the file system, you can also set this value
# to false
relativeURLs = true # true -> rewrite all relative URLs to be relative to the current content
# if you set uglyURLs to false, this theme will append 'index.html' to any branch bundle link
# so your page can be also served from the file system; if you don't want that,
# set disableExplicitIndexURLs=true in the [params] section
uglyURLs = false # true -> basic/index.html -> basic.html
# the directory where Hugo reads the themes from; this is specific to your
# installation and most certainly needs be deleted or changed
themesdir = "../.."
# yeah, well, obviously a mandatory setting for your site, if you want to
# use this theme ;-)
theme = "hugo-theme-relearn"
# make sure your defaultContentLanguage is the first one in the [languages]
# array below, as the theme needs to make assumptions on it
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# if you want to get rrrid o' ourrr pirrrates nonsense uncomment th' next line
# disableLanguages = ['pir']
# the site's title of this showcase; you should change this ;-)
title = "Hugo Relearn Theme"
# add `json` to the home to support Lunr search; This is a mandatory setting
# for the search functionality
# add `print` to home, section and page to activate the feature to print whole
# chapters
home = ["html", "rss", "print", "search", "searchpage"]
section = ["html", "rss", "print"]
page = ["html", "rss", "print"]
# line numbers in a table layout will shift if code is wrapping, so better
# not use it; visually both layouts have the same look and behavior
lineNumbersInTable = false
# the shipped variants come with their own modified chroma syntax highlightning
# stylesheets which are linked in your generated HTML pages; you can use Hugo to generate
# own stylesheets to your liking and use them in your variant;
# if you want to use Hugo's internal styles instead of the shipped stylesheets:
# - remove `noClasses` or set `noClasses = true`
# - set `style` to a predefined style name
# note: with using the internal styles, the `--CODE-theme` setting in your variant
# stylesheet will be ignored and the internal style is used for all variants and
# even print
noClasses = false
# style = "tango"
# activated for this showcase to use HTML and JavaScript; decide on your own needs;
# if in doubt, remove this line
unsafe = true
# allows `hugo server` to display this showcase in IE11; this is used for testing, as we
# are still supporting IE11 - although with degraded experience; if you don't care about
# `hugo server` or browsers of ancient times, fell free to remove this whole block
for = "**.html"
X-UA-Compatible = "IE=edge"
# showcase of the menu shortcuts; you can use relative URLs linking
# to your content or use fully-quallified URLs to link outside of
# your project
title = "Hugo Relearn Theme"
weight = 1
languageName = "English"
# Language dependend settings:
# Use case
#contentDir = "content/en"
landingPageName = "<i class='fas fa-home'></i> Home"
name = "<i class='fab fa-fw fa-github'></i> GitHub repo"
identifier = "ds"
url = ""
weight = 10
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-camera'></i> Showcases"
pageRef = "showcase/"
weight = 20
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-bullhorn'></i> Credits"
pageRef = "more/credits/"
weight = 30
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-tags'></i> Tags"
pageRef = "tags/"
weight = 40
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-layer-group'></i> Categories"
pageRef = "categories/"
weight = 50
# this is ourrr way t' showcase th' multilang settings by
# doing autotrrranlat'n of th' english content; we are
# lazy and don't supporrt furrrther trrranslations; arrr,
# don't take it t' serrrious, fello'; it's prrretty hacky and:
title = "Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme"
weight = 2
languageCode = "art-pir"
languageDirection = "rtl"
languageName = "Arrr! ☠ Pirrrates ☠"
# Language dependend settings:
# Use case
#contentDir = "content/pir"
landingPageName = "<i class='fas fa-home'></i> Arrr! Home"
name = "<i class='fab fa-fw fa-github'></i> GitHub repo"
identifier = "ds"
url = ""
weight = 10
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-camera'></i> Showcases"
pageRef = "showcase/"
weight = 20
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-bullhorn'></i> Crrredits"
pageRef = "more/credits/"
weight = 30
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-tags'></i> Arrr! Tags"
pageRef = "tags/"
weight = 40
name = "<i class='fas fa-fw fa-layer-group'></i> Categorrries"
pageRef = "categories/"
weight = 50
# mounts are only needed in this showcase to access the publicly available screenshots;
# remove this section if you don't need further mounts
source = 'archetypes'
target = 'archetypes'
source = 'assets'
target = 'assets'
# Language dependend settings:
# Use case
source = 'content'
target = 'content'
# Use case
# lang = 'en'
# source = 'content/en'
# target = 'content'
# lang = 'pir'
# source = 'content/pir'
# target = 'content'
source = 'data'
target = 'data'
source = 'i18n'
target = 'i18n'
# just for this documentation to expose the GitHub hero image in the docs
source = '../images'
target = 'static/images'
source = 'static/images'
target = 'static/images'
source = 'layouts'
target = 'layouts'
source = 'static'
target = 'static'
# just for this documentation to expose our config in the docs
source = 'config'
target = 'static/config'
# Demo setting for displaying the siteparam shortcode the docs.
siteparam.test.text = "A **nested** option <b>with</b> formatting"
# Extension to the image effects only for the docs. = true