Sören Weber 5c667b3d07
code highligher: switch to standard hugo highlighter #32
Since a while, Hugo has its own mechanism for code highlightning.

We remove the old highlightning code provided by the client-side javascript library highlight.js and all its related files.

This also solves issues introduced by Hugos own highlightning because in our theme we are currently highlighting the code twice leading to unpredictiable results.

This will also fix an issue were light code highlightning themes weren't displayed correctly because our styles are overwriting color information.

Another advantage is the huge list of supported languages which by far exceeds our current list.

On the downside, this is a breaking change because our current color theme isn't supported by Hugo.
2021-07-26 11:50:34 +02:00

55 lines
2.1 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{{ .Page.Language | default "en" }}" class="js csstransforms3d">
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{{with .Site.Params.themeVariant}}
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:root #header + #content > #left > #rlblock_left {
display: none !important;
ul {
text-align: center
ul {
list-style-type: none;
{{ partial "custom-header.html" . }}
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<h1>{{T "title-404"}}</h1>
<p>{{T "message-404"}}</p>
<p><a href='{{ "" | relLangURL }}'>{{T "Go-to-homepage"}}</a></p>
<p><img src='{{ "/images/gopher-404.jpg" | relURL }}' style="width:50%" alt="Page not found!"></p>