Sören Weber 5ba09afb6c
Some checks are pending
docs-build-deployment / Run deploy (push) Waiting to run
docs-build / Run build (push) Waiting to run
theme: add version selector #1050
2025-03-17 23:13:43 +01:00

140 lines
2 KiB

other = "ltr"
other = 'Unasoma toleo {{.version}} la ukurasa huu. Toleo la sasa linaweza kupatikana <a href="{{.latestUrl}}">hapa</a>'
other = "Tafuta"
other = "Tafuta..."
other = "Futa utafutaji"
other = "Hakuna matokeo yaliyopatikana kwa \"{0}\""
other = "Matokeo {1} yamepatikana kwa \"{0}\""
other = "Futa Historia"
other = "Weka upya mwonekano"
other = "Tazama kuweka upya!"
other = "Viambatisho"
other = "Haipatikani"
other = "Lo! Inaonekana ukurasa huu haupo ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯."
other = "Nenda kwenye ukurasa wa kwanza"
other = "Home"
other = "Hariri"
other = "Onyesha Alama"
other = "Onyesha msimbo wa chanzo"
other = "Chapisha sura nzima"
other = "Zaidi"
other = "Zaidi"
other = "Nipanue..."
other = "Menyu"
other = "Jedwali la Yaliyomo"
other = "B"
other = "KB"
other = "MB"
other = "Tahadhari"
other = "Muhimu"
other = "Habari"
other = "Kumbuka"
other = "Kidokezo"
other = "Onyo"
other = "Nakili kwenye ubao wa kunakili"
other = "Imenakiliwa kwenye ubao wa kunakili!"
other = "Nakili kiungo kwenye ubao wa kunakili"
other = "Imenakili kiungo kwenye ubao wa kunakili!"
other = "Sura ya {{.}}"
other = "Lugha"
other = "Mandhari"
other = "Menyu ndogo {{.}}"
other = "Vifungu vidogo vya {{.}}"
other = "Tagi"
other = "Tagi"
other = "Kategoria"
other = "Kategoria"
other = "Maelezo"