Sören Weber 5ba09afb6c
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theme: add version selector #1050
2025-03-17 23:13:43 +01:00

140 lines
1.9 KiB

other = "ltr"
other = 'You are reading version {{.version}} of this page. The current version can be found <a href="{{.latestUrl}}">here</a>'
other = "Searrrch"
other = "Searrrch..."
other = "Clearrr searrrch"
other = "No rrresults found fer \"{0}\""
other = "{1} rrresults found fer \"{0}\""
other = "Clearrr Historrry"
other = "Rrreset view"
other = "View rrreset!"
other = "Attachments"
other = "Not found"
other = "Whoops. Looks like this plank doesn't exist ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯."
other = "Go t' homeplank"
other = "Home"
other = "Edit"
other = "Show Marrrkd'n"
other = "Show source code"
other = "Prrrint whole chapterrr"
other = "Morrre"
other = "Morrre"
other = "Expand me..."
other = "Menu"
other = "Table o' Contents"
other = "B"
other = "KB"
other = "MB"
other = "Behold"
other = "Imporrrt'nt"
other = "Ahoi"
other = "Avast"
other = "Smarrrt arrrse"
other = "Arrr"
other = "Copy t' clipboard"
other = "Copied t' clipboard!"
other = "Copy link t' clipboard"
other = "Copied link t' clipboard!"
other = "T' chapterrr {{.}}"
other = "Language"
other = "Theme"
other = "Submenu {{.}}"
other = "Subsct'ns o' {{.}}"
other = "Taks"
other = "Tak"
other = "Categorrries"
other = "Categorrry"
other = "Details"