var theme = true; var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode; if( isIE ){ // we don't support sidebar flyout in IE document.querySelector( 'body' ).classList.remove( 'mobile-support' ); } else{ document.querySelector( 'body' ).classList.add( 'mobile-support' ); } var touchsupport = ('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0) var formelements = 'button, datalist, fieldset, input, label, legend, meter, optgroup, option, output, progress, select, textarea'; function switchTab(tabGroup, tabId) { allTabItems = jQuery("[data-tab-group='"+tabGroup+"']"); targetTabItems = jQuery("[data-tab-group='"+tabGroup+"'][data-tab-item='"+tabId+"']"); // if event is undefined then switchTab was called from restoreTabSelection // so it's not a button event and we don't need to safe the selction or // prevent page jump var isButtonEvent = event != undefined; if(isButtonEvent){ // save button position relative to viewport var yposButton =; } allTabItems.removeClass("active"); targetTabItems.addClass("active"); if(isButtonEvent){ // reset screen to the same position relative to clicked button to prevent page jump var yposButtonDiff = - yposButton; window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY+yposButtonDiff); // Store the selection to make it persistent if(window.localStorage){ var selectionsJSON = window.localStorage.getItem(baseUriFull+"tab-selections"); if(selectionsJSON){ var tabSelections = JSON.parse(selectionsJSON); }else{ var tabSelections = {}; } tabSelections[tabGroup] = tabId; window.localStorage.setItem(baseUriFull+"tab-selections", JSON.stringify(tabSelections)); } } } function restoreTabSelections() { if(window.localStorage){ var selectionsJSON = window.localStorage.getItem(baseUriFull+"tab-selections"); if(selectionsJSON){ var tabSelections = JSON.parse(selectionsJSON); }else{ var tabSelections = {}; } Object.keys(tabSelections).forEach(function(tabGroup) { var tabItem = tabSelections[tabGroup]; switchTab(tabGroup, tabItem); }); } } function initMermaid( update ) { // we are either in update or initialization mode; // during initialization, we want to edit the DOM; // during update we only want to execute if something chanegd var decodeHTML = function( html ){ var txt = document.createElement( 'textarea' ); txt.innerHTML = html; return txt.value; }; var parseGraph = function( graph ){ var d = /^\s*(%%\s*\{\s*\w+\s*:([^%]*?)%%\s*\n?)/g; var m = d.exec( graph ); var dir = {}; var content = graph; if( m && m.length == 3 ){ dir = JSON.parse( '{ "dummy": ' + m[2] ).dummy; content = graph.substring( d.lastIndex ); } return { dir: dir, content: content }; }; var serializeGraph = function( graph ){ return '%%{init: ' + JSON.stringify( graph.dir ) + '}%%\n' + graph.content; }; var init_func = function(){ state.is_initialized = true; var is_initialized = false; var theme = variants.getColorValue( 'MERMAID-theme' ); document.querySelectorAll('.mermaid').forEach( function( element ){ var parse = parseGraph( decodeHTML( element.innerHTML ) ); if( parse.dir.theme ){ parse.dir.relearn_user_theme = true; } if( !parse.dir.relearn_user_theme ){ parse.dir.theme = theme; } is_initialized = true; var graph = serializeGraph( parse ); element.innerHTML = graph; var new_element = document.createElement( 'div' ); new_element.classList.add( 'mermaid-container' ); new_element.innerHTML = '
' + graph + '
' + element.outerHTML; element.parentNode.replaceChild( new_element, element ); }); return is_initialized; } var update_func = function(){ var is_initialized = false; var theme = variants.getColorValue( 'MERMAID-theme' ); document.querySelectorAll( '.mermaid-container' ).forEach( function( e ){ var element = e.querySelector( '.mermaid' ); var code = e.querySelector( '.mermaid-code' ); var parse = parseGraph( decodeHTML( code.innerHTML ) ); if( parse.dir.relearn_user_theme ){ return; } if( parse.dir.theme == theme ){ return; } is_initialized = true; parse.dir.theme = theme; var graph = serializeGraph( parse ); element.removeAttribute('data-processed'); element.innerHTML = graph; code.innerHTML = graph; }); return is_initialized; }; var state = this; if( update && !state.is_initialized ){ return; } if( typeof variants == 'undefined' ){ return; } if( typeof mermaid == 'undefined' || typeof mermaid.mermaidAPI == 'undefined' ){ return; } var is_initialized = ( update ? update_func() : init_func() ); if( is_initialized ){ mermaid.init(); $(".mermaid svg").svgPanZoom({}); } } function initSwagger( update ){ if( typeof variants == 'undefined' ){ return; } var theme = variants.getColorValue( 'SWAGGER-theme' ); document.querySelectorAll( 'rapi-doc' ).forEach( function( e ){ e.setAttribute( 'theme', theme ); }); } function initAnchorClipboard(){ document.querySelectorAll( 'h1~h2,h1~h3,h1~h4,h1~h5,h1~h6').forEach( function( element ){ var url = encodeURI(document.location.origin + document.location.pathname); var link = url + "#"; var new_element = document.createElement( 'span' ); new_element.classList.add( 'anchor' ); new_element.setAttribute( 'title', window.T_Copy_link_to_clipboard ); new_element.setAttribute( 'data-clipboard-text', link ); new_element.innerHTML = ''; element.append( new_element ); }); $(".anchor").on('mouseleave', function(e) { $(this).attr('aria-label', null).removeClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s tooltipped-w'); }); var clip = new ClipboardJS('.anchor'); clip.on('success', function(e) { e.clearSelection(); $(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', window.T_Link_copied_to_clipboard).addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s'); }); } function initCodeClipboard(){ function fallbackMessage(action) { var actionMsg = ''; var actionKey = (action === 'cut' ? 'X' : 'C'); if (/iPhone|iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { actionMsg = 'No support :('; } else if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { actionMsg = 'Press ⌘-' + actionKey + ' to ' + action; } else { actionMsg = 'Press Ctrl-' + actionKey + ' to ' + action; } return actionMsg; } $('code').each(function() { var code = $(this), text = code.text(); if (text.length > 5) { var clip = new ClipboardJS('.copy-to-clipboard-button', { text: function(trigger) { var text = $(trigger).prev('code').text(); // remove a trailing line break, this may most likely // come from the browser / Hugo transformation text = text.replace(/\n$/, ''); // removes leading $ signs from text in an assumption // that this has to be the unix prompt marker - weird return text.replace(/^\$\s/gm, ''); } }); clip.on('success', function(e) { e.clearSelection(); var inPre = $(e.trigger).parent().prop('tagName') == 'PRE'; $(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', window.T_Copied_to_clipboard).addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's')); }); clip.on('error', function(e) { var inPre = $(e.trigger).parent().prop('tagName') == 'PRE'; $(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', fallbackMessage(e.action)).addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's')); $(document).one('copy', function(){ $(e.trigger).attr('aria-label', window.T_Copied_to_clipboard).addClass('tooltipped tooltipped-' + (inPre ? 'w' : 's')); }); }); var parent = code.parent(); var inPre = parent.prop('tagName') == 'PRE'; code.addClass('copy-to-clipboard-code'); if( inPre ){ parent.addClass( 'copy-to-clipboard' ); } else{ code.replaceWith($('', {'class': 'copy-to-clipboard'}).append(code.clone() )); code = parent.children('.copy-to-clipboard').last().children('.copy-to-clipboard-code'); } code.after( $('').addClass("copy-to-clipboard-button").attr("title", window.T_Copy_to_clipboard).append("") );'.copy-to-clipboard-button').on('mouseleave', function() { $(this).attr('aria-label', null).removeClass('tooltipped tooltipped-s tooltipped-w'); }); } }); } function initArrowNav(){ // button navigation jQuery(function() { jQuery('a.nav-prev').click(function(){ location.href = jQuery(this).attr('href'); }); jQuery('a.nav-next').click(function() { location.href = jQuery(this).attr('href'); }); }); // keyboard navigation jQuery(document).keydown(function(e) { if(e.which == '37') { jQuery('a.nav-prev').click(); } if(e.which == '39') { jQuery('a.nav-next').click(); } }); // avoid keyboard navigation for input fields jQuery(formelements).keydown(function (e) { if (e.which == '37' || e.which == '39') { e.stopPropagation(); } }); } function initMenuScrollbar(){ var content = '#body-inner'; if( isIE ){ // IE can not display the topbar as sticky; so we let // the whole body scroll instead of just the content content = '#body'; } var autofocus = false; document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){ // for initial keyboard scrolling support, no element // may be hovered, but we still want to react on // cursor/page up/down. because we can't hack // the scrollbars implementation, we try to trick // it and give focus to the scrollbar - only // to just remove the focus right after scrolling // happend var p = document.querySelector(content).matches(':hover'); var m = document.querySelector('#content-wrapper').matches(':hover'); var f = formelements ); if( !p && !m && !f ){ // only do this hack if none of our scrollbars // is hovered autofocus = true; // if we are showing the sidebar as a flyout we // want to scroll the content-wrapper, otherwise we want // to scroll the body var n = document.querySelector('body').matches('.sidebar-flyout'); if( n ){ psm.scrollbarY.focus(); } else{ psc.scrollbarY.focus(); } } }); // scrollbars will install their own keyboard handlers // that need to be executed inbetween our own handlers var psm = new PerfectScrollbar('#content-wrapper'); var psc = new PerfectScrollbar(content); window.addEventListener('resize', function(){ psm && psm.update(); psc && psc.update(); }); document.addEventListener('keydown', function(){ // if we facked initial scrolling, we want to // remove the focus to not leave visual markers on // the scrollbar if( autofocus ){ psc.scrollbarY.blur(); psm.scrollbarY.blur(); autofocus = false; } }); } function initLightbox(){ // wrap image inside a lightbox (to get a full size view in a popup) var images = $("main#body-inner img").not(".inline"); images.wrap(function(){ var image =$(this); var o = getUrlParameter(image[0].src); var f = o['featherlight']; // IF featherlight is false, do not use feather light if (f != 'false') { if (!image.parent("a").length) { var html = $( "" ).attr("href", image[0].src).attr("data-featherlight", "image").get(0).outerHTML; return html; } } }); $('a[rel="lightbox"]').featherlight({ root: 'div#body' }); } function initImageStyles(){ // change image styles, depending on parameters set to the image var images = $("main#body-inner img").not(".inline"); images.each(function(index){ var image = $(this) var o = getUrlParameter(image[0].src); if (typeof o !== "undefined") { var h = o["height"]; var w = o["width"]; var c = o["classes"]; image.css("width", function() { if (typeof w !== "undefined") { return w; } else { return "auto"; } }); image.css("height", function() { if (typeof h !== "undefined") { return h; } else { return "auto"; } }); if (typeof c !== "undefined") { var classes = c.split(','); for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { image.addClass(classes[i]); } } } }); } function initToc(){ function showNav(){ var b = document.querySelector( 'body' ); b.classList.toggle( 'sidebar-flyout' ); var n = b.matches('.sidebar-flyout'); if( n ){ b.classList.remove( 'toc-flyout' ); } } function showToc(){ var b = document.querySelector( 'body' ); b.classList.toggle( 'toc-flyout' ); } document.querySelector( '#sidebar-overlay' ).addEventListener( 'click', showNav ); document.querySelector( '#sidebar-toggle' ).addEventListener( 'click', showNav ); document.querySelector( '#toc-overlay' ).addEventListener( 'click', showToc ); var t = document.querySelector( '#toc-menu' ); var p = document.querySelector( '.progress' ); if( t && p ){ // we may not have a toc t.addEventListener( 'click', showToc ); p.addEventListener( 'click', showToc ); } } function initSwipeHandler(){ if( !touchsupport ){ return; } var startx = null; var starty = null; var handleStartX = function(evt) { startx = evt.touches[0].clientX; starty = evt.touches[0].clientY; return false; }; var handleMoveX = function(evt) { if( startx !== null ){ var diffx = startx - evt.touches[0].clientX; var diffy = starty - evt.touches[0].clientY || .1 ; if( diffx / Math.abs( diffy ) < 2 ){ // detect mostly vertical swipes and reset our starting pos // to not detect a horizontal move if vertical swipe is unprecise startx = evt.touches[0].clientX; } else if( diffx > 30 ){ startx = null; starty = null; document.querySelector( 'body' ).classList.toggle( 'sidebar-flyout' ); } } return false; }; var handleEndX = function(evt) { startx = null; starty = null; return false; }; document.querySelector( '#sidebar-overlay' ).addEventListener("touchstart", handleStartX, false); document.querySelector( '#sidebar' ).addEventListener("touchstart", handleStartX, false); document.querySelectorAll( '#sidebar *' ).forEach( function(e){ e.addEventListener("touchstart", handleStartX); }, false); document.querySelector( '#sidebar-overlay' ).addEventListener("touchmove", handleMoveX, false); document.querySelector( '#sidebar' ).addEventListener("touchmove", handleMoveX, false); document.querySelectorAll( '#sidebar *' ).forEach( function(e){ e.addEventListener("touchmove", handleMoveX); }, false); document.querySelector( '#sidebar-overlay' ).addEventListener("touchend", handleEndX, false); document.querySelector( '#sidebar' ).addEventListener("touchend", handleEndX, false); document.querySelectorAll( '#sidebar *' ).forEach( function(e){ e.addEventListener("touchend", handleEndX); }, false); } function scrollToActiveMenu() { window.setTimeout(function(){ var e = $("#sidebar ul.topics a")[0]; if( e && e.scrollIntoView ){ e.scrollIntoView({ block: 'center', }); } }, 10); } // Get Parameters from some url var getUrlParameter = function getUrlParameter(sPageURL) { var url = sPageURL.split('?'); var obj = {}; if (url.length == 2) { var sURLVariables = url[1].split('&'), sParameterName, i; for (i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); obj[sParameterName[0]] = sParameterName[1]; } } return obj; }; // debouncing function from John Hann // (function($, sr) { var debounce = function(func, threshold, execAsap) { var timeout; return function debounced() { var obj = this, args = arguments; function delayed() { if (!execAsap) func.apply(obj, args); timeout = null; }; if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); else if (execAsap) func.apply(obj, args); timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold || 100); }; } // smartresize jQuery.fn[sr] = function(fn) { return fn ? this.bind('resize', debounce(fn)) : this.trigger(sr); }; })(jQuery, 'smartresize'); jQuery(function() { initArrowNav(); initMermaid(); initSwagger(); initMenuScrollbar(); scrollToActiveMenu(); initLightbox(); initImageStyles(); initToc(); initAnchorClipboard(); initCodeClipboard(); restoreTabSelections(); initSwipeHandler(); jQuery('[data-clear-history-toggle]').on('click', function() { for( var item in sessionStorage ){ if( item.substring( 0, baseUriFull.length ) === baseUriFull ){ sessionStorage.removeItem( item ); } } location.reload(); return false; }); var ajax; jQuery('[data-search-input]').on('input', function() { var input = jQuery(this), value = input.val(), items = jQuery('[data-nav-id]'); items.removeClass('search-match'); if (!value.length) { $('ul.topics').removeClass('searched'); items.css('display', 'block'); sessionStorage.removeItem(baseUriFull+'search-value'); $("mark").parents(".expand-marked").removeClass("expand-marked"); $(".highlightable").unhighlight({ element: 'mark' }) return; } sessionStorage.setItem(baseUriFull+'search-value', value); $("mark").parents(".expand-marked").removeClass("expand-marked"); $(".highlightable").unhighlight({ element: 'mark' }).highlight(value, { element: 'mark' }); $("mark").parents(".expand").addClass("expand-marked"); if (ajax && ajax.abort) ajax.abort(); jQuery('[data-search-clear]').on('click', function() { jQuery('[data-search-input]').val('').trigger('input'); sessionStorage.removeItem(baseUriFull+'search-input'); $("mark").parents(".expand-marked").removeClass("expand-marked"); $(".highlightable").unhighlight({ element: 'mark' }) }); }); $.expr[":"].contains = $.expr.createPseudo(function(arg) { return function( elem ) { return $(elem).text().toUpperCase().indexOf(arg.toUpperCase()) >= 0; }; }); if (sessionStorage.getItem(baseUriFull+'search-value')) { var searchValue = sessionStorage.getItem(baseUriFull+'search-value') $('[data-search-input]').val(searchValue); $('[data-search-input]').trigger('input'); var searchedElem = $('#body-inner').find(':contains(' + searchValue + ')').get(0); if (searchedElem) { searchedElem.scrollIntoView(true); var scrolledY = window.scrollY; if(scrolledY){ window.scroll(0, scrolledY - 125); } } } $(".highlightable").highlight(sessionStorage.getItem(baseUriFull+'search-value'), { element: 'mark' }); $("mark").parents(".expand").addClass("expand-marked"); $('#topbar a:not(:has(img)):not(.btn)').addClass('highlight'); $('#body-inner a:not(:has(img)):not(.btn):not(a[rel="footnote"])').addClass('highlight'); var visitedItem = baseUriFull + 'visited-url/' sessionStorage.setItem(visitedItem+jQuery('body').data('url'), 1); // loop through the sessionStorage and see if something should be marked as visited for( var item in sessionStorage ){ if( item.substring( 0, visitedItem.length ) === visitedItem && sessionStorage.getItem( item ) == 1 ){ var url = item.substring( visitedItem.length ); // in case we have `relativeURLs=true` we have to strip the // relative path to root url = url.replace( /\.\.\//g, '/' ).replace( /^\/+\//, '/' ); jQuery('[data-nav-id="' + url + '"]').addClass('visited'); } } }); jQuery.extend({ highlight: function(node, re, nodeName, className) { if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.parentElement && node.parentElement.namespaceURI == '') { // text nodes var match =; if (match) { var highlight = document.createElement(nodeName || 'span'); highlight.className = className || 'highlight'; var wordNode = node.splitText(match.index); wordNode.splitText(match[0].length); var wordClone = wordNode.cloneNode(true); highlight.appendChild(wordClone); wordNode.parentNode.replaceChild(highlight, wordNode); return 1; //skip added node in parent } } else if ((node.nodeType === 1 && node.childNodes) && // only element nodes that have children !/(script|style)/i.test(node.tagName) && // ignore script and style nodes !(node.tagName === nodeName.toUpperCase() && node.className === className)) { // skip if already highlighted for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { i += jQuery.highlight(node.childNodes[i], re, nodeName, className); } } return 0; } }); jQuery.fn.unhighlight = function(options) { var settings = { className: 'highlight', element: 'span' }; jQuery.extend(settings, options); return this.find(settings.element + "." + settings.className).each(function() { var parent = this.parentNode; parent.replaceChild(this.firstChild, this); parent.normalize(); }).end(); }; jQuery.fn.highlight = function(words, options) { var settings = { className: 'highlight', element: 'span', caseSensitive: false, wordsOnly: false }; jQuery.extend(settings, options); if (!words) { return; } if (words.constructor === String) { words = [words]; } words = jQuery.grep(words, function(word, i) { return word != ''; }); words =, function(word, i) { return word.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"); }); if (words.length == 0) { return this; } ; var flag = settings.caseSensitive ? "" : "i"; var pattern = "(" + words.join("|") + ")"; if (settings.wordsOnly) { pattern = "\\b" + pattern + "\\b"; } var re = new RegExp(pattern, flag); return this.each(function() { jQuery.highlight(this, re, settings.element, settings.className); }); };