Special thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project.
Many thanks to @matcornic for his work on the Learn theme.
Packages and libraries
- autoComplete - A lightweight and powerful vanilla JavaScript completion suggester
- clipboard.js - A modern approach to copy text to clipboard
- Featherlight - A lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin
- Font Awesome - The internet’s icon library and toolkit
- jQuery - The “Write less, do more” JavaScript library
- jquery-svg-zoom-pan - A jQuery plugin to enable pan and zoom in SVG images
- Lunr - Enables a great search experience without the need for external, server-side, search services
- Mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown
- Modernizr - A JavaScript toolkit that tells you what features the user’s browser has to offer
- Perfect Scrollbar - A minimalistic but perfect custom scrollbar plugin