
Arrr! ☠ Pirrrates ☠

Fello' pirrates, be awarrre some featurrres may not work fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like table of rrramblings, some Merrrmaids and stuff.


Special thanks t' everyone who has contributed t' this project.

Many thanks t' @matcornic fer his work on th' Learrrn theme.

Packages an' libraries

  • Merrrmaid - generat'n o' diagram an' flowchart from text 'n a similar manner as Marrrkdown
  • font awesome - th' iconic font an' CSS framework
  • jQuery - Th' Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library
  • jquery-svg-zoom-pan - en'ble pan an' zoom 'n Merrrmaid graphs
  • lunr - Lunr enables ye t' provide a great search experience without th' need fer external, server-side, search services…
  • clipboard.js - copy text t' clipboard
  • modernizr - A JavaScript toolkit that allows web developers t' use new CSS3 an' HTML5 features while maintain'n a fine level o' control over browsers that don’t support


  • gren - Releasenotes generator
  • Cap'n Hugo - Static ship generator
  • GitHub - Continuous deployement, test'n an' host'n o' this project an' its documentat'n