{{- partial "header.html" . }} {{- if .Site.Home.Content }} {{- if eq (.Scratch.Get "relearnOutputFormat") "PRINT" }} {{- partial "body.print.html" .Site.Home }} {{- else }} {{- partial "body.html" .Site.Home }} {{- end }} {{- else }} <article> <h1>Customize your own home page</h1> <p> The site is working. Don't forget to customize this page with your own. You typically have 3 choices : </p> <ul> <li><b>1.</b> Create an _index.md document in <b>content</b> folder and fill it with Markdown content</li> <li><b>2.</b> Create an <b>index.html</b> file in the <b>static</b> folder and fill the file with HTML content</li> <li><b>3.</b> Configure your server to automatically redirect home page to one your documentation page</li> </ul> <footer class="footline"> </footer> </article> {{- end }} {{- partial "footer.html" . }}