[highlight] # line numbers in a table layout will shift if code is wrapping, so better # not use it; visually both layouts have the same look and behavior lineNumbersInTable = false # the shipped variants come with their own modified chroma syntax highlighting # stylesheets which are linked in your generated HTML pages; you can use Hugo to generate # own stylesheets to your liking and use them in your variant; # if you want to use Hugo's internal styles instead of the shipped stylesheets: # - remove `noClasses` or set `noClasses = true` # - set `style` to a predefined style name # note: with using the internal styles, the `--CODE-theme` setting in your variant # stylesheet will be ignored and the internal style is used for all variants and # even print noClasses = false # style = 'tango' [goldmark] # this is required for the themes docs to make the piratify shortcode work duplicateResourceFiles = true # activated for this showcase to use HTML and JavaScript; decide on your own needs; # if in doubt, remove this line renderer.unsafe = true [goldmark.extensions] strikethrough = false # use Markdown extensions for this showcase [goldmark.extensions.extras] [goldmark.extensions.extras.delete] enable = true [goldmark.extensions.extras.insert] enable = true [goldmark.extensions.extras.mark] enable = true [goldmark.extensions.extras.subscript] enable = true [goldmark.extensions.extras.superscript] enable = true [goldmark.extensions.passthrough] enable = true [goldmark.extensions.passthrough.delimiters] # the settings chosen here match the default initialization # of the MathJax library chosen by the theme; # if you want to adjust to different values you also need # to set them in `[params] mathJaxInitialize` inline = [['\(', '\)'], ['$', '$']] block = [['\[', '\]'], ['$$', '$$']]