Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme

Arrr! Pirrrates

Fello' pirrrates, grog made us dizzy! Be awarrre some stuff may look weird in this trrranslat'n. Like Merrrmaids, do'n math or chemistrrry and stuff.

Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme

A theme fer Cap'n Hugo designed fer documentat'n.

★ What’s new 'n th' latest release ★

Image o' th' Relearrrn theme 'n light an' dark mode on phone, tablet an' desktop Image o' th' Relearrrn theme 'n light an' dark mode on phone, tablet an' desktop


Th' Relearrrn theme be a fork o' th' great Learrrn theme wit' th' aim o' fix'n long outstand'n bugs an' adapt'n t' latest Cap'n Hugo features. As far as poss'ble this theme tries t' be a drop-in replacement fer th' Learrrn theme.


Installat'n & Usage

For a detailed descript'n o' th' theme’s capabilities visit th' official documentat'n.


See th' What’s New plank fer release highlights or th' detailed change history fer a complete list o' changes.


Ye be most welcome t' contribute bugfixes or new features. Check th' contribut'n guidelines first before start'n.


Th' Relearrrn theme be licensed under th' MIT License.


This theme would not be poss'ble without th' work o' many others.