{{- $assetBusting := not .Site.Params.disableAssetsBusting }} {{- $faviconMatch := false }} {{- $svg := dict "ext" "svg" "type" "image/svg+xml" }} {{- $png := dict "ext" "png" "type" "image/png" }} {{- $ico := dict "ext" "ico" "type" "image/x-icon" }} {{- $faviconTypes := slice $svg $png $ico }} {{- range $faviconTypes }} {{- if and (eq $faviconMatch false) (or (fileExists (printf "/static/images/favicon-light.%s" .ext)) (fileExists (printf "/static/images/favicon-dark.%s")) ) }} {{- $faviconMatch = true }} {{$c:=""}}{{/* Warning: IE and old browser versions do not support media queries necessary for the light & dark theme option. If you have requirements to support IE and/or older browser versions, use one of the other options. Reference: https://caniuse.com/css-media-interaction */}} {{- if (fileExists (printf "/static/images/favicon-light.%s" .ext)) }} {{- end }} {{- if (fileExists (printf "/static/images/favicon-dark.%s" .ext)) }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- range $faviconTypes }} {{- if and (eq $faviconMatch false) (fileExists (printf "/static/images/favicon.%s" .ext)) }} {{- $faviconMatch = true }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- range $faviconTypes }} {{- if and (eq $faviconMatch false) (fileExists (printf "/static/images/logo.%s" .ext)) }} {{- $faviconMatch := true }} {{- end }} {{- end }}