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    <title>Development on Cap&#39;n Hugo Relearrrn Theme</title>
    <description>Recent content in Development on Cap&#39;n Hugo Relearrrn Theme</description>
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      <pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
      <description>Code Quality A new release can happen at any time from th&#39; main branch o&#39; th&#39; GitHub project without further accknowledgment. This makes it necessary that, every pushed set o&#39; changesets into th&#39; main branch must be self-contained an&#39; correct, result&#39;n &#39;n a releas&#39;ble version.
Stay simple fer th&#39; user by focus&#39;n on th&#39; mantra &amp;ldquo;convent&#39;n over configuration&amp;rdquo;.
At installat&#39;n th&#39; ship should work reason&#39;ble without (m)any configurat&#39;n.
Stay close t&#39; th&#39; Cap&#39;n Hugo way.</description>
      <pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
      <description>Semver This project tries t&#39; follow th&#39; semver policy - although not followed 100% &#39;n th&#39; past.
Usually an entry o&#39; Break&#39;n on th&#39; What&amp;rsquo;s new plank causes a new major release number.
All other entries on th&#39; What&amp;rsquo;s new plank will increase th&#39; minor release number.
Releases result&#39;n &#39;n a new major or minor number be called main release.
Releases contain&#39;n bugixes only, be only increas&#39;n th&#39; patch release number.</description>
      <pubDate>Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
      <description>Sometimes screenshots need t&#39; be redone. This plank explains how t&#39; create th&#39; different screenshots, tools an&#39; sett&#39;ns
Common Creat&#39;n:
Use English translat&#39;n Empty search Remove history checkmarks but leave it on th&#39; plank thats used fer th&#39; screenshot Aft resize o&#39; th&#39; plank into th&#39; required resolut&#39;n, reload th&#39; plank t&#39; have all scrollbars &#39;n default load&#39;n posit&#39;n Demo Screenshot Rrrambl&#39;n:
A meaningful full-screen screenshot o&#39; an interest&#39;n plank.</description>