The theme adjusts the content width when you resize your browser.
If you want to change the chosen default width, you can add CSS variables to layouts/partials/custom-header.html.
Changing the Main Area’s Maximum Width
The main area has a default maximum width of 80.25rem for better readability. If you want to change this, you can set a CSS variable
For full width, use a large value like 1000rem.
Titles & Breadcrumbs
Learn how to turn off the breadcrumbs completely and further configure the topbar.
Option Set disableRootBreadcrumb=true to remove the root breadcrumb which often feels redundant. This will also apply to the breadcrumbs of the search results and taxonomy pages.
Option You can override the default breadcrumb separator by using breadcrumbSeparator='/'. This separator will also be used in the breadcrumbs of the search results and taxonomy pages.
Option By default the term pages of a taxonomy will display the breadcrumb for each page. Set disableTermBreadcrumbs=true to remove the breadcrumb if the term pages look to cluttered.
Option You can override the default title separator by using titleSeparator='|'.
Headings can have anchor links that appear when you hover over them.
You can change what happens when you click the anchor icon in your hugo.toml file. By default, all options are turned on. If you turn off all options, no anchor icon will show up when you hover.
Copy Anchor Links
Option Set disableAnchorCopy=true to prevent copying the anchor link when you click the icon.
Scroll to Heading
Option Set disableAnchorScrolling=true to stop the page from scrolling to the heading when you click the anchor icon.
Option By default, the theme adds index.html to page links when uglyURLs=false (Hugo’s default).
If you’re only using a web server scenario and dislike this, you can reset to Hugo’s default behavior by settings disableExplicitIndexURLs=true.
For the file system scenario, you are not allowed to change this value.
Cross-Language Links
You can link to pages of different languages by appending the lang query parameter with the language code to the URL, e.g. /my-page?lang=pir.
In previous releases of the theme you had to prepend the language code to the URL, e.g. /pir/my-page to achieve this.
If you still need the old behavior, you can set enableLegacyLanguageLinks=true in your hugo.toml. Note that this legacy feature may be removed in the future.
Patching the relref Shortcode
Option While the usage of relref is obsolete and discouraged by Hugo for a while, existing installations may still use it.
In configurations using a baseURL with a subdirectory and having relativeURLs=false (the default), Hugo’s standard relref implementation is failing.
To work around this, you can activate a patched version of the shortcode by setting disableDefaultRelref=true.
Hidden pages are created but not shown in the navigation. This is useful for pages you only want to access via a direct link.
When you visit a hidden page’s URL, it will appear in the navigation menu.
Hidden pages can also have hidden subpages, creating multiple levels of hiding.
By default, hidden pages are only hidden from human visitors. Search engines can still find them by crawling your site and the pages are linked in your taxonomies and site search. You can prevent this with these options.
Hide from Search
Option To remove hidden pages from search results, use disableSearchHiddenPages=true.
Hide from Search Engines
Option To hide pages from search engines by removing them from the sitemap, RSS feed and make them nofollow, use disableSeoHiddenPages=true.
Hide from Taxonomies
Option To prevent hidden pages from appearing on taxonomy and term pages, use disableTagHiddenPages=true. If this makes a term’s count zero, an empty term page will still be created but not linked.