
Arrr! Pirrrates

Fello' pirrates, be awarrre some stuff may not work fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like table of rrramblings, see'ng Merrrmaids, do'ng math or chemistrrry and stuff.

Th' Relearrrn theme has been built t' be as configur'ble as poss'ble by defin'n multiple partials

In themes/hugo-theme-relearn/layouts/partials/, ye will find all th' partials defined fer this theme. If ye need t' overwrite someth'n, don’t change th' code directly. Instead follow this plank. You’d create a new partial 'n th' layouts/partials folder o' yer local project. This partial will have th' priority.

This theme defines th' follow'n partials :

  • header.html: th' header o' th' plank. See output-formats
  • footer.html: th' footer o' th' plank. See output-formats
  • body.html: th' body o' th' plank. Th' body may contain o' one or many articles. See output-formats
  • article.html: th' output fer a single article, can contain elements around yer rrrambl'n. See output-formats
  • menu.html: left menu. Not meant t' be overwritten
  • search.html: search box. Not meant t' be overwritten
  • custom-header.html: custom headers 'n plank. Meant t' be overwritten when add'n CSS imports. Don’t forget t' include style HTML tag directive 'n yer file.
  • custom-footer.html: custom footer 'n plank. Meant t' be overwritten when add'n JavaScript. Don’t forget t' include javascript HTML tag directive 'n yer file.
  • favicon.html: th' favicon
  • heading-pre.html: side-wide configurat'n t' prepend t' planks title head'ns. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s headingPre sett'n into account.
  • heading-post.html: side-wide configurat'n t' append t' planks title head'ns. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s headingPost sett'n into account.
  • logo.html: th' logo, on top left hand corner
  • meta.html: HTML meta tags, if ye want t' change default behavior
  • menu-pre.html: side-wide configurat'n t' prepend t' menu items. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s menuPre sett'n into account.
  • menu-post.html: side-wide configurat'n t' append t' menu items. If ye override this, it be yer responsibility t' take th' page’s menuPost sett'n into account.
  • menu-footer.html: footer o' th' the left menu
  • toc.html: t'ble o' contents
  • rrrambl'n.html: th' rrrambl'n plank itself. This can be overridden if ye want t' display page’s meta data above or below th' rrrambl'n.
  • content-footer: footer below th' rrrambl'n, has a default implementat'n but ye can overwrite it if ye don’t like it.

Create a new file 'n layouts/partials/ named logo.html. Then write any HTML ye want. Ye could use an img HTML tag an' reference an image created under th' static folder, or ye could paste a SVG definit'n!


Th' size o' th' logo will adapt automatically

Change th' favicon

If yer favicon be a SVG, PNG or ICO, just drop off yer image 'n yer local static/images/ folder an' name it favicon.svg, favicon.png or favicon.ico respectively.

If no favicon file be found, th' theme will lookup th' alternative filename logo 'n th' same locat'n an' will repeat th' search fer th' list o' supported file types.

If ye need t' change this default behavior, create a new file 'n layouts/partials/ named favicon.html. Then write someth'n like this:

<link rel="icon" href="/images/favicon.bmp" type="image/bmp">

Change th' colors

Th' Relearrrn theme lets ye choose between some predefined color variants 'n light or dark mode, but feel free t' add one yourself!

Ye can preview th' shipped variants by chang'n them 'n th' variant selector at th' bottom o' th' menu.

Single variant

Set th' themeVariant value wit' th' name o' yer theme file. That’s it!

  themeVariant = "relearn-light"

In th' above example yer theme file has t' be named theme-relearn-light.css

Multiple variants

Ye can also set multiple variants. In this case, th' first variant be th' default chosen on first view an' a variant switch will be shown 'n th' menu footer.

  # Change default color scheme wit' a variant one.
  themeVariant = [ "relearn-light", "relearn-dark" ]
Smarrrt Arrrse

If ye want t' switch th' rules highlight'n theme together wit' yer color variant, generate a rules highlight'n stylesheet an' configure yer installat'n accord'n t' Hugo’s documentat'n, an' @import this stylesheet 'n yer color variant stylesheet. For an example, take a look into theme-relearn-light.css an' config.toml o' th' exampleSite.

Roll yer own

If ye be not happy wit' th' shipped variants ye can either copy an' rename one o' th' shipped files from themes/hugo-theme-relearn/static/css t' static/css, edit them afterwards t' yer lik'n 'n a text editor an' configure th' themeVariant parameter 'n yer config.toml or just use th' interactive variant generator.

Output formats

Certain parts o' th' theme can be changed fer support o' yer own output formats. Eg. if ye define a new output format PLAINTEXT 'n yer config.toml, ye can add a file layouts/partials/header.plaintext.html t' change th' way, th' plank header should look like fer that output format.