+++ description = "Changing the width of the sidebar" title = "Width" weight = 1 +++ The theme reacts to browser resizes and adjusts the menu width accordingly. If you dislike the default behavior, you can link to a CSS stylesheet or change it in your `layouts/partials/custom-header.html`. ## Change the Menu Width The menu width adjusts automatically for different screen sizes for the following screen sizes: | Name | Screen Width | Menu Width | | ---- | ------------- | ---------- | | S | < 48rem | 14.375rem | | M | 48rem - 60rem | 14.375rem | | L | >= 60rem | 18.75rem | The values for the screen width breakpoints aren't configurable. If you want to adjust the menu width you can define the following CSS variables. Note that `--MENU-WIDTH-S` applies to the menu flyout width in mobile mode for small screen sizes. ````html {title="layouts/partials/custom-header.html"} ````