# showcase of the menu shortcuts; you can use relative URLs linking # to your content or use fully-qualified URLs to link outside of # your project [en] title = 'Hugo Relearn Theme' weight = 1 languageCode = 'en' languageName = 'English' # Language dependent settings: # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory #contentDir = 'content/en' [en.params] landingPageName = ' Home' errorignore = ['exampleSite'] [[en.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'Example Site' url = 'exampleSite/index.html' weight = 1 [[en.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'GitHub Repo' url = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn' weight = 10 [[en.menu.shortcuts]] name = 'Showcases' pageRef = '/showcase' weight = 20 [[en.menu.shortcuts]] name = 'Credits' pageRef = '/more/credits' weight = 30 [[en.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'Tags' pageRef = '/tags' weight = 40 [[en.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'Categories' pageRef = '/categories' weight = 50 [[en.menu.devshortcuts]] identifier = 'devshortcuts' name = 'Dev Shortcuts' [[en.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'devshortcuts' pre = ' ' name = 'Hugo' url = 'https://gohugo.io/documentation/' weight = 1 [[en.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'devshortcuts' pre = ' ' identifier = 'theme' name = 'Theme' weight = 2 [[en.menu.devshortcuts.params]] alwaysopen = true [[en.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' identifier = 'configoptions' pageRef = 'configuration/reference' weight = 1 [[en.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' identifier = 'frontmatter' title = 'Front Matter Reference' pageRef = 'authoring/frontmatter/reference#annotated-front-matter' weight = 2 [[en.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' identifier = 'screenshotframe' title = 'Screenshot Frame' pageRef = 'images/hero.zip' weight = 3 [[en.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' title = 'Maaagic Download' pageRef = 'images/magic.gif?download' weight = 4 # this is ourrr way t' showcase th' multilang settings by # doing autotrrranlat'n of th' english content; we are # lazy and don't supporrt furrrther trrranslations; arrr, # don't take it t' serrrious, fello'; it's prrretty hacky and: # NOT MEANT FER PRRRODUCTION! ARRR! [pir] title = "Cap'n Hugo Relearrrn Theme" weight = 2 # It would be more standard compliant to have the language key also # named art-x-pir but that would require to rename all files languageCode = 'art-x-pir' languageDirection = 'rtl' # you can explicitly override the reading direction here, otherwise the translation file contains a default languageName = 'Arrr! ☠ Pirrratish ☠' # Language dependent settings: # Use case https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-by-content-directory #contentDir = 'content/pir' [pir.params] landingPageName = ' Arrr! Home' errorignore = ['exampleSite', '.*'] [[pir.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'Example Site' url = 'exampleSite/index.html' weight = 1 [[pir.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'GitHub Repo' url = 'https://github.com/McShelby/hugo-theme-relearn' weight = 10 [[pir.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'Showcases' pageRef = '/showcase' weight = 20 [[pir.menu.shortcuts]] name = 'Crrredits' pageRef = '/more/credits' weight = 30 [[pir.menu.shortcuts]] name = 'Arrr! Tags' pageRef = '/tags' weight = 40 [[pir.menu.shortcuts]] pre = ' ' name = 'Categorrries' pageRef = '/categories' weight = 50 [[pir.menu.devshortcuts]] identifier = 'devshortcuts' name = 'Dev Shortcuts' [[pir.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'devshortcuts' pre = ' ' name = "Cap'n Hugo" url = 'https://gohugo.io/documentation/' weight = 1 [[pir.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'devshortcuts' pre = ' ' identifier = 'theme' name = "Th' Theme" weight = 2 [[pir.menu.devshortcuts.params]] alwaysopen = true [[pir.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' identifier = 'configoptions' pageRef = 'configuration/reference' weight = 1 [[pir.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' identifier = 'frontmatter' title = 'Front Matter Reference' pageRef = 'authoring/frontmatter/reference#annotated-front-matter' weight = 2 [[pir.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' identifier = 'screenshotframe' title = 'Screenshot Frame' pageRef = 'images/hero.zip' weight = 3 [[pir.menu.devshortcuts]] parent = 'theme' pre = ' ' title = 'Maaagic Download' pageRef = 'images/magic.gif?download' weight = 4