Upper Decks

Th' highest point o' our mighty vessel! Up here, th' crow’s nest scout shouts coordinates t' our helmsman below, though sometimes they’re just play'n an elaborate game o' maritime telephone. Th' crow’s nest offers th' best views 'n th' house (or ship), perfect fer spott'n incom'n weather, distant lands, or that seagull that keeps steal'n th' captain’s lunch.

Crow's Nest

Whar' our lookout pretends t' spot land while actually napp'n

Th' Helm

Home t' our steer'n wheel, which may or may not be connected t' anyth'n

Subsct'ns o' Upper Decks

Crow's Nest

Our dedicated lookout has reported some rather peculiar sight'ns from his lofty perch. Between his frequent “strategic rest periods” an' tea breaks, he’s sworn on his mother’s favorite teacup that he’s witnessed th' most extraordinary maritime phenomena ever documented.

Last week alone, he submitted a detailed report claim'n t' have spotted a mermaid rid'n a seahorse while solv'n a Rubik’s cube, an' a group o' dolphins wear'n top hats perform'n synchronized swimm'n routines t' classical music.

Recent notable sight'ns include:

  • A giant squid play'n chess wit' a whale shark
  • Fly'n fish practic'n fer their pilot’s license
  • A pirate ghost ship sell'n timeshares t' pass'n vessels
  • Penguins on vacat'n rid'n jet skis
  • A row'n boeat crewed entirely by sing'n sea cucumbers

The Helm

Our state-of-the-art navigat'n system relies heavily on th' ancient art o' read'n cloud shapes an' follow'n particularly motivated seagulls. Th' ship’s wheel, a magnificent piece o' mahogany that squeaks exactly like a dolphin’s laugh, be primarily used as an excellent coat hanger dur'n peaceful voyages.

Th' real steer'n happens through our patented “Serendipitous Navigat'n System™” – we simply convince th' ocean currents they’re flow'n 'n th' wrong direct'n through sophisticated reverse psychology. Our success rate o' reach'n intended destinat'ns be a proud 12%, though we’ve discovered fourteen previously unknown islands an' one mysterious float'n coffee shop 'n th' process.