{{- $context := .context }}
{{- $showhidden := .showhidden | default false }}
{{- if eq (printf "%T" $showhidden) "string" }}
	{{- $showhidden = (eq $showhidden "true") }}
{{- end }}
{{- $style := .style | default "li" }}
{{- $depth := .depth | default 1 }}
{{- $withDescription := .description | default false }}
{{- if eq (printf "%T" $withDescription) "string" }}
	{{- $withDescription = (eq $withDescription "true") }}
{{- end }}
{{- $sortTerm :=  .sort | lower }}
{{- $containerstyle :=  .containerstyle | default "ul" }}
{{- if( and (not (eq $style "li") ) (eq $containerstyle "ul" ) ) }}
	{{- $containerstyle = "div" }}
{{- end }}

{{- with $context }}
{{ (printf "<%s class=\"children children-%s children-sort-%s\">" $containerstyle $style $sortTerm)|safeHTML }}
	{{- $pages := .Page.Pages }}
	{{- if .Page.IsHome }}
		{{- $pages = .Page.Sections }}
	{{- else if .Page.Sections}}
		{{- $pages = (.Page.Pages | union .Page.Sections) }}
	{{- end }}

	{{- $defaultOrdersectionsby := .Site.Params.ordersectionsby | default "weight" }}
	{{- $currentOrdersectionsby := $sortTerm | default (.Page.Params.ordersectionsby | default $defaultOrdersectionsby) }}
	{{- if eq $currentOrdersectionsby "weight" }}
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	{{- else if or (eq $currentOrdersectionsby "name") (eq $currentOrdersectionsby "title") }}
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	{{- else if eq $currentOrdersectionsby "publishdate" }}
		{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages.ByPublishDate "containerstyle" $containerstyle "style" $style "showhidden" $showhidden "count" 1 "depth" $depth "pages" .Site.Pages "description" $withDescription "sortTerm" $sortTerm }}
	{{- else if eq $currentOrdersectionsby "date" }}
		{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages.ByDate "containerstyle" $containerstyle "style" $style "showhidden" $showhidden "count" 1 "depth" $depth "pages" .Site.Pages "description" $withDescription "sortTerm" $sortTerm }}
	{{- else if eq $currentOrdersectionsby "length" }}
		{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages.ByLength "containerstyle" $containerstyle "style" $style "showhidden" $showhidden "count" 1 "depth" $depth "pages" .Site.Pages "description" $withDescription "sortTerm" $sortTerm }}
	{{- else }}
		{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages "containerstyle" $containerstyle "style" $style "showhidden" $showhidden "count" 1 "depth" $depth "pages" .Site.Pages "description" $withDescription "sortTerm" $sortTerm }}
	{{- end }}
{{ (printf "</%s>" $containerstyle)|safeHTML }}
{{- end }}

{{- define "childs" }}
	{{- range .menu }}
		{{- $hidden := and (or (.Params.hidden) (eq .Title "")) (not $.showhidden) }}
        {{- if not $hidden }}
			{{- if not .IsHome }}
				{{- if hasPrefix $.style "h" }}
					{{- $num := sub ( int (trim $.style "h") ) 1 }}
					{{- $numn := add $num $.count }}
{{ (printf "<h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" >{{ .Title }}</a>{{ (printf "</h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML }}
{{- if $.description }}
	{{- if .Description -}}
<p>{{ .Description }}</p>
	{{- else -}}
<p>{{ .Summary }}</p>
	{{- end }}
{{- end }}

				{{- else if eq $.style "li" }}
{{ (printf "<%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" >{{ .Title }}</a>
{{- if $.description }}
	{{- if .Description -}}
<p>{{ .Description }}</p>
	{{- else -}}
<p>{{ .Summary }}</p>
	{{- end }}
{{- end }}

				{{- else }}
{{ (printf "<%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" >{{ .Title }}</a>{{ (printf "</%s>" $.style)|safeHTML }}
{{- if $.description }}
	{{- if .Description -}}
<p>{{ .Description }}</p>
	{{- else -}}
<p>{{ .Summary }}</p>
	{{- end }}
{{- end }}

				{{- end }}
			{{- end }}
			{{- if lt $.count $.depth }}

				{{- if eq $.style "li" }}
{{- (printf "<%s>" $.containerstyle)|safeHTML }}
				{{- end }}

				{{- $pages := .Page.Pages }}
				{{- if .Page.IsHome }}
					{{- $pages = .Page.Sections }}
				{{- else if .Page.Sections}}
					{{- $pages = (.Page.Pages | union .Page.Sections) }}
				{{- end }}

				{{- $defaultOrdersectionsby := .Site.Params.ordersectionsby | default "weight" }}
				{{- $currentOrdersectionsby := $.sortTerm | default (.Page.Params.ordersectionsby | default $defaultOrdersectionsby) }}
				{{- if eq $currentOrdersectionsby "weight" }}
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				{{- else if or (eq $.currentOrdersectionsby "name") (eq $.currentOrdersectionsby "title") }}
					{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages.ByTitle "containerstyle" $.containerstyle "style" $.style "showhidden" $.showhidden "count" (add $.count 1) "depth" $.depth "pages" $.pages "description" $.description "sortTerm" $.sortTerm }}
				{{- else if eq $.currentOrdersectionsby "publishdate" }}
					{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages.ByPublishDate "containerstyle" $.containerstyle "style" $.style "showhidden" $.showhidden "count" (add $.count 1) "depth" $.depth "pages" $.pages "description" $.description "sortTerm" $.sortTerm }}
				{{- else if eq $.currentOrdersectionsby "date" }}
					{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages.ByDate "containerstyle" $.containerstyle "style" $.style "showhidden" $.showhidden "count" (add $.count 1) "depth" $.depth "pages" $.pages "description" $.description "sortTerm" $.sortTerm }}
				{{- else if eq $.currentOrdersectionsby "length" }}
					{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages.ByLength "containerstyle" $.containerstyle "style" $.style "showhidden" $.showhidden "count" (add $.count 1) "depth" $.depth "pages" $.pages "description" $.description "sortTerm" $.sortTerm }}
				{{- else }}
					{{- template "childs" dict "menu" $pages "containerstyle" $.containerstyle "style" $.style "showhidden" $.showhidden "count" (add $.count 1) "depth" $.depth "pages" $.pages "description" $.description "sortTerm" $.sortTerm }}
				{{- end }}

				{{- if eq $.style "li" }}
{{- (printf "</%s>" $.containerstyle)|safeHTML }}
				{{- end }}
			{{- end }}

			{{- if not .IsHome }}
				{{- if eq $.style "li" }}
{{- (printf "</%s>" $.style)|safeHTML -}}
				{{- end }}
			{{- end }}
		{{- end }}
	{{- end }}
{{- end }}