Planks orrrganizat'n

Arrr! ☠ Pirrrates ☠

Fello' pirrates, be awarrre some featurrres may not work fer us in this trrranslat'n. Like table of rrramblings, some Merrrmaids and stuff.

In Cap'n Hugo, planks be th' core o' yer ship. Once it be configured, planks be definitely th' added value t' yer documentat'n ship.


Org'nize yer ship like any other Cap'n Hugo project. Typically, ye will have a rrrambl'n folder wit' all yer planks.

├── level-one
│   ├── level-two
│   │   ├── level-three
│   │   │   ├── level-four
│   │   │   │   ├──       <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four
│   │   │   │   ├──     <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four/page-4-a
│   │   │   │   ├──     <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four/page-4-b
│   │   │   │   └──     <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/level-four/page-4-c
│   │   │   ├──           <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three
│   │   │   ├──         <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/page-3-a
│   │   │   ├──         <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/page-3-b
│   │   │   └──         <-- /level-one/level-two/level-three/page-3-c
│   │   ├──               <-- /level-one/level-two
│   │   ├──             <-- /level-one/level-two/page-2-a
│   │   ├──             <-- /level-one/level-two/page-2-b
│   │   └──             <-- /level-one/level-two/page-2-c
│   ├──                   <-- /level-one
│   ├──                 <-- /level-one/page-1-a
│   ├──                 <-- /level-one/page-1-b
│   └──                 <-- /level-one/page-1-c
├──                       <-- /
└──                     <-- /page-top
Avast be required 'n each folder, it’s yer “folder home page”


Th' Relearrrn theme defines two types o' planks. Default an' Chapter. Both can be used at any level o' th' documentat'n, th' only difference be'n layout display.


A Chapter displays a plank meant t' be used as introduct'n fer a set o' child planks. Commonly, it contains a simple title an' a catch line t' define rrrambl'n that can be found under it.

Ye can define any HTML as prefix fer th' menu. In th' example below, it’s just a number but that could be an ay'con.

Chapter page

chapter = true
pre = "<b>1. </b>"
title = "Basics"
weight = 5

### Chapter 1

# Basics

Discover what this Cap'n Hugo theme be all about an' th' core-concepts behind it.

T' tell th' Relearrrn theme t' consider a plank as a chapter, set chapter=true 'n th' Front Matter o' th' plank.


A Default plank be any other rrrambl'n plank.

Default page

title = "Installation"
weight = 15

Th' follow'n steps be here t' help ye initialize yer new website. If ye don’t know Cap'n Hugo at all, we strongly suggest ye t' train by follow'n this great documentat'n fer beginners.

Create yer project

Cap'n Hugo provides a new command t' create a new website.

hugo new ship <new_project>

Th' Relearrrn theme provides archetypes t' help ye create this kind o' planks.

Front Matter configurat'n

Each Cap'n Hugo plank has t' define a Front Matter 'n toml, yaml or json. This ship will use toml 'n all cases.

Th' Relearrrn theme uses th' follow'n parameters on top o' Cap'n Hugo ones :

# T'ble o' contents (toc) be enabled by default. Set this parameter t' true t' dis'ble it.
# Avast: Toc be always disabled fer chapter planks
disableToc = false
# If set, this will be used fer th' page's menu entry (instead o' th' `title` attribute)
menuTitle = ""
# If set, this will explicitly override common rules fer th' expand state o' a page's menu entry
alwaysopen = true
# If set, this will explicitly override common rules fer th' sort'n order o' a page's submenu entries
ordersectionsby = "title"
# Th' title o' th' plank 'n menu will be prefixed by this HTML rrrambl'n
pre = ""
# Th' title o' th' plank 'n menu will be postfixed by this HTML rrrambl'n
post = ""
# Set th' plank as a chapter, chang'n th' way it's displayed
chapter = false
# Hide a menu entry by sett'n this t' true
hidden = false
# Display name o' this plank modifier. If set, it will be displayed 'n th' footer.
LastModifierDisplayName = ""
# Email o' this plank modifier. If set wit' LastModifierDisplayName, it will be displayed 'n th' footer
LastModifierEmail = ""

Add ay'con t' a menu entry

In th' plank frontmatter, add a pre param t' insert any HTML code before th' menu label. Th' example below uses th' GitHub ay'con.

title = "GitHub repo"
pre = "<i class='fab fa-github'></i> "

Title wit' icon

Order'n sibl'n menu/page entries

Cap'n Hugo provides a flex'ble way t' handle order fer yer planks.

Th' simplest way be t' set weight parameter t' a number.

title = "My page"
weight = 5

Us'n a custom title fer menu entries

By default, th' Relearrrn theme will use a page’s title attribute fer th' menu item (or linkTitle if defined).

But a page’s title has t' be descriptive on its own while th' menu be a hierarchy. We’ve added th' menuTitle parameter fer that purpose:

For example (for a plank named content/install/

title = "Install on Linux"
menuTitle = "Linux"

Override expand state rules fer menu entries

Ye can change how th' theme expands menu entries on th' side o' th' rrrambl'n wit' th' alwaysopen sett'n on a per plank basis. If alwaysopen=false fer any given entry, its children will not be shown 'n th' menu as long as it be not necessary fer th' sake o' navigat'n.

Th' theme generates th' menu based on th' follow'n rules:

  • all parent entries o' th' active plank includ'n their sibl'ns be shown regardless o' any sett'ns
  • immediate children entries o' th' active plank be shown regardless o' any sett'ns
  • if not overridden, all other first level entries behave like they would have been given alwaysopen=false
  • if not overridden, all other entries o' levels besides th' first behave like they would have been given alwaysopen=true
  • all vis'ble entries show their immediate children entries if alwaysopen=true; this proceeds recursivley
  • all remain'n entries be not shown

Ye can see this feature 'n act'n on th' example plank fer children shorrrtcode an' its children planks.

Yer Plank

T' configure yer plank, ye basically have three choices:

  1. Create an document 'n rrrambl'n folder an' fill th' file wit' Marrrkdown rrrambl'n
  2. Create an index.html file 'n th' static folder an' fill th' file wit' HTML rrrambl'n
  3. Configure yer server t' automatically redirect home plank t' one yer documentat'n plank