{{- $page := .page }}
{{- if and (not $page) .context }}
  {{- $page = .context }}
  {{- warnf "%q: DEPRECATED parameter 'context' for shortcode 'piratify' found, use 'page' instead; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/introduction/releasenotes/5/#5-18-0" $page.File.Filename }}
{{- end }}
{{- $content := .content }}
{{- $pagefield := cond (ne $content nil) nil (.pagefield | default "Content") }}
{{- $writenotice := cond (ne .writenotice nil) .writenotice false }}
{{- $langtrg := "pir" }}
{{- $langsrc := cond (eq $page.Language.Lang $langtrg) (.langsrc | default "en") $page.Language.Lang }}
{{- $baseURL := urls.Parse site.BaseURL }}
{{- $baseURLpath := $baseURL.Path | default "/" }}
{{- $l := $page.RelPermalink }}
{{- $c := "" }}
{{- $srcPage := "" }}
{{- if ne $content nil }}
	{{- $c = $content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "Content" }}
	{{- $c = $page.Content }}
{{- else if eq $pagefield "TableOfContents" }}
	{{- $c = $page.TableOfContents }}
{{- end }}
{{- range $page.AllTranslations }}
	{{- if eq .Language.Lang $langsrc }}
		{{- $l = .RelPermalink }}
		{{- if ne $content nil }}
			{{- $c = $content }}
		{{- else if eq $pagefield "Content" }}
			{{- $c = .Content }}
			{{- $srcPage = . }}
		{{- else if eq $pagefield "TableOfContents" }}
			{{- $c = .TableOfContents }}
		{{- end }}
		{{- break }}
	{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq $page.Language.Lang $langtrg }}
	{{- if $writenotice }}
		{{- partial "shortcodes/notice.html" (dict
			"page" $page
			"content" "<p>Fello' pirrrates, grog made us dizzy! Be awarrre some stuff may look weird in this trrranslat'n. Like seeing Merrrmaids and stuff.</p>\n"
			"icon" "skull-crossbones"
			"style" "warning"
			"title" "Arrr! Pirrrates"
		) }}
	{{- end }}
	{{- $words := dict
		"Hugo" "Cap'n Hugo"
		"Info" "Ahoi"
		"Note" "Avast"
		"Tip" "Smarrrt Arrrse"
		"Warning" "Arrr"
		"good" "bloody"
		"shortcodes" "shorrrtcodes"
		"Shortcodes" "Shorrrtcodes"
		"Mermaid" "Merrrmaid"
		"Markdown" "Marrrkdown"
		"Markup" "Marrrkup"
		"markup" "marrrkup"
		"for" "fer"
		"Your" "Yer"
		"your" "yer"
		"You" "Ye"
		"you" "ye"
		"the" "th'"
		"The" "Th'"
		"is" "be"
		"Is" "Be"
		"are" "be"
		"Are" "Be"
		"Of" "O'"
		"of" "o'"
		"To" "T'"
		"to" "t'"
		"in" "'n"
		"With" "Wit'"
		"with" "wit'"
		"Where" "Whar'"
		"where" "whar'"
		"After" "Aft"
		"And" "An'"
		"and" "an'"
		"Load" "Board"
		"load" "board"
		"Loaded" "Boarded"
		"loaded" "boarded"
		"Content" "Rrrambling"
		"content" "rrrambling"
		"icon" "ay'con"
		"Icon" "Ay'con"
		"icons" "ay'cons"
		"Icons" "Ay'cons"
		"syntax" "rules"
		"Syntax" "Rules"
		"Site" "Ship"
		"site" "ship"
		"Page" "Plank"
		"page" "plank"
		"Pages" "Planks"
		"pages" "planks"
		"Relearn" "Relearrrn"
		"Learn" "Learrrn"
	{{- $specials := dict
		"(\\w)ing([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'n"
		"(\\w)ings([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'ns"
		"(\\w)tion([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "t'n"
		"(\\w)tions([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "t'ns"
		"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])ble([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'ble"
		"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])mize([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'mize"
		"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])mizes([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'mizes"
		"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])nize([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'nize"
		"(\\w)(?:[aeiou])nizes([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" "'nizes"
	{{- $links := slice
	{{- $fix := dict
		"warn'n" "warning"
		"sect'n" "section"
		"n Cap'n" "n"
		"Avast right o' John" "Note right of John"
	{{- range $from, $to := $words }}
		{{- $c = replaceRE (printf "([\\s\\n>])%s([\\s\\n<.,;?!:])" $from) (printf "${1}%s${2}" $to) $c }}
	{{- end }}
	{{- range $from, $to := $specials }}
		{{- $c = replaceRE $from (printf "${1}%s${2}" $to) $c }}
	{{- end }}
	{{- range $attr := $links }}
		{{- $c = replaceRE (printf "\\b(%s)(=\"%s[^\"]*?\")" $attr $baseURLpath) "${1} data-piratify${2}" $c }}
		{{- $m := findRESubmatch (printf "%s data-piratify=\"(%s)([^\"]*?)\"" $attr $baseURLpath) $c }}
		{{- range $m }}
			{{- $r := printf "%s=\"%s\"" $attr (index . 2) }}
			{{- $u := urls.Parse (index . 2) }}
			{{- if and (not $u.IsAbs) $u.Path }}
				{{- $r = printf "%s=\"%s%s/%s\"" $attr $baseURLpath $langtrg (index . 2) }}
			{{- end }}
			{{- $c = replace $c (index . 0) $r }}
		{{- end }}
	{{- end }}
	{{- range $from, $to := $fix }}
		{{- $c = replace $c $from $to }}
	{{- end }}
	{{- if $srcPage }}
		{{- range $page.Site.Params.relearn.dependencies }}
			{{- $has := printf "has%s" .name }}
			{{- $page.Store.Set $has (or ($page.Store.Get $has) ($srcPage.Store.Get $has)) }}
		{{- end }}
	{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $c | safeHTML }}