
Th' Expand shorrrtcode displays an expandable/collaps'ble section o' text on yer plank.


{{% expand [ <str'n> [ "true" | "false" ] ] %}}
{{% /expand %}}

Th' first optional parameter defines th' text that appears next t' th' expand/collapse ay'con. Th' default text be "Expand me...".

Th' second optional parameter controls if th' block be initially shown as expanded ("true") or collapsed ("false"). Th' default ist "false".


I'll tell ye a secret...

All defaults

Expand me...
Show marrrkup
{{% expand %}}
Yes, ye did it!
{{% /expand %}}

Initially expanded

Expand me...

No need t' press ye!

Show marrrkup
{{% expand "Expand me..." "true" %}}
No need t' press ye!
{{% /expand %}}

Arbitrary text

Show me endless possibilities
Show marrrkup