{{- $context := .context }}
{{- $content := .content }}
{{- $style := .style | default "transparent" }}
{{- $title := .title | default ($style | T) | default ("Attachments-label" | T) }}
{{- $icon := .icon | default "" }}
{{- if and (not $icon) (eq (len $icon) 0) }}
  {{- $icon = "paperclip" }}
  {{- if eq $style "info" }}{{ $icon = default "info-circle" }}{{ end }}
  {{- if eq $style "warning" }}{{ $icon = default "exclamation-triangle" }}{{ end }}
  {{- if eq $style "note" }}{{ $icon = default "exclamation-circle" }}{{ end }}
  {{- if eq $style "tip" }}{{ $icon = default "lightbulb" }}{{ end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $icon = trim $icon " " }}
{{- if and $icon (not (findRE ".*?\\bfa-\\w.*?" $icon)) }}
  {{- $icon = printf "fa-fw fas fa-%s" $icon }}
{{- end }}
{{- $sort := .sort | default "asc" }}
{{- $pattern := .pattern | default "" }}
{{- with $context }}
<div class="box attachments cstyle {{ $style }}">
  <div class="box-label">{{ if $icon }}<i class="{{ $icon }}"></i> {{ end }}{{ $title }}</div>
  <ul class="box-content attachments-files">
  {{- $filesName := "files" }}
  {{- if ne .Page.File.BaseFileName "index" }}
    {{- $filesName = printf "%s.files" .Page.File.BaseFileName }}
  {{- end }}
  {{- $fileLink := printf "%s/%s" (.Page.Language.ContentDir | default "content") .Page.File.Dir }}
  {{- $fileLink = replace (replace $fileLink "\\" "/") "content/" "" }}
  {{- $fileDir := printf "%s/%s" (.Page.Language.ContentDir | default "content") .Page.File.Dir  }}
  {{- $fileDir = replace $fileDir "\\" "/" }}
  {{- range sort (readDir (printf "%s%s" $fileDir $filesName) ) "Name" $sort }}
    {{- if findRE $pattern .Name}}
      {{- $size := .Size }}
      {{- $unit := "Byte-symbol" }}
      {{- if ge $size 1024 }}
        {{- $size = div $size 1024 }}
        {{- $unit = "Kilobyte-symbol" }}
      {{- end }}
      {{- if ge $size 1024 }}
        {{- $size = div $size 1024 }}
        {{- $unit = "Megabyte-symbol" }}
      {{- end }}
      {{- $unitsymbol := $unit | T }}
    <li><a href="{{ (printf "%s%s/%s" $fileLink $filesName .Name) | relURL }}">{{.Name}}</a> ({{$size}} {{$unitsymbol}})</li>
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
  {{- $content }}
{{- end }}