Subsct'ns o' Content


Th' theme adjusts th' rrrambl'n width when ye resize yer browser.

If ye want t' change th' chosen default width, ye can add CSS variables t' layouts/partials/custom-header.html.

Chang'n th' Main Area’s Maximum Width

Th' main area has a default maximum width o' 80.25rem fer better readability. If ye want t' change this, ye can set a CSS vari'ble

For full width, use a large value like 1000rem.

:root {
    --MAIN-WIDTH-MAX: 1000rem;

Titles & Breadcrumbs

Learrrn how t' turn off th' breadcrumbs completely an' further configure th' topbar.

Opt'n Set disableRootBreadcrumb=true t' remove th' root breadcrumb which often feels redundant. This will also apply t' th' breadcrumbs o' th' search results an' taxonomy planks.

Opt'n Ye can override th' default breadcrumb separator by us'n breadcrumbSeparator='/'. This separator will also be used 'n th' breadcrumbs o' th' search results an' taxonomy planks.

Opt'n By default th' term planks o' a taxonomy will display th' breadcrumb fer each plank. Set disableTermBreadcrumbs=true t' remove th' breadcrumb if th' term planks look t' cluttered.

  breadcrumbSeparator = '/'
  disableRootBreadcrumb = true
  disableTermBreadcrumbs = true
  breadcrumbSeparator: /
  disableRootBreadcrumb: true
  disableTermBreadcrumbs: true
   "params": {
      "breadcrumbSeparator": "/",
      "disableRootBreadcrumb": true,
      "disableTermBreadcrumbs": true


Opt'n Ye can override th' default title separator by us'n titleSeparator='|'.

  titleSeparator = '|'
  titleSeparator: '|'
   "params": {
      "titleSeparator": "|"

Page Meta Information

Th' theme supports a default display o' plank meta informat'n 'n layouts/partials/content-footer.html.

Th' rrrambl'n footer dynamically pulls informat'n based on th' availability o' GitInfo metadata. If Git informat'n be present, it uses th' author’s name, email, an' th' date from th' Git commit details. This ensures that th' displayed informat'n be always up-to-date wit' th' latest modificat'ns.

In cases whar' Git informat'n be not avail'ble, th' theme falls back t' LastModifierDisplayName, LastModifierEmail, an' Date defined 'n th' page’s front matter.

Dis'ble Display o' Author’s Name

Opt'n Ye can dis'ble th' output o' an author’s name an' its accord'n email address by sett'n this parameter t' true.

  hideAuthorName = true
  hideAuthorName: true
   "params": {
      "hideAuthorName": true

Dis'ble Display o' Author’s Email

Opt'n Th' author’s email, when displayed, be presented as a click'ble mailto link, provid'n a convenient way fer readers t' reach out. Ye can dis'ble th' output o' an author’s email address by sett'n this parameter t' true.

  hideAuthorEmail = true
  hideAuthorEmail: true
   "params": {
      "hideAuthorEmail": true

Dis'ble Display o' Author'n Date

Opt'n # If th' standard content-footer finds an author'n date, ye can dis'ble its output by sett'n this parameter t' true.

  hideAuthorEmail = true
  hideAuthorEmail: true
   "params": {
      "hideAuthorEmail": true

Adjust th' Timestamp Format

Opt'n Ye can overwrite th' default date format used when display'n a planks meta informat'n. See th' Cap'n Hugo docs fer poss'ble values.

  dateFormat = ':date_medium'
  dateFormat: :date_medium
   "params": {
      "dateFormat": ":date_medium"


Head'ns can have anchor links that appear when ye hover over them.

Ye can change what happens when ye click th' anchor ay'con 'n yer hugo.toml file. By default, all opt'ns be turned on. If ye turn off all opt'ns, no anchor ay'con will show up when ye hover.

Opt'n Set disableAnchorCopy=true t' prevent copy'n th' anchor link when ye click th' ay'con.

  disableAnchorCopy = true
  disableAnchorCopy: true
   "params": {
      "disableAnchorCopy": true

Scroll t' Head'n

Opt'n Set disableAnchorScrolling=true t' stop th' plank from scroll'n t' th' head'n when ye click th' anchor ay'con.

  disableAnchorScroll'n = true
  disableAnchorScroll'n: true
   "params": {
      "disableAnchorScrolling": true


Further sett'ns be avail'ble t' be used 'n yer configurat'n or front matter.

URL Management

Opt'n By default, th' theme adds index.html t' plank links when uglyURLs=false (Hugo’s default).

If you’re only us'n a web server scenario an' dislike this, ye can reset t' Hugo’s default behavior by sett'ns disableExplicitIndexURLs=true.

For th' file system scenario, ye be not allowed t' change this value.

  disableExplicitIndexURLs = true
  disableExplicitIndexURLs: true
   "params": {
      "disableExplicitIndexURLs": true

Ye can link t' planks o' different languages by append'n th' lang query parameter wit' th' language code t' th' URL, e.g. /my-page?lang=pir.

In previous releases o' th' theme ye had t' prepend th' language code t' th' URL, e.g. /pir/my-page t' achieve this.

If ye still need th' old behavior, ye can set enableLegacyLanguageLinks=true 'n yer hugo.toml. Avast that this legacy feature may be removed 'n th' future.

Patch'n th' relref Shortcode

Opt'n While th' usage o' relref be obsolete an' discouraged by Cap'n Hugo fer a while, exist'n installat'ns may still use it.

In configurat'ns us'n a baseURL wit' a subdirectory an' hav'n relativeURLs=false (the default), Hugo’s standard relref implementat'n be fail'n.

T' work around this, ye can activate a patched version o' th' shortcode by sett'n disableDefaultRelref=true.

  disableDefaultRelref = true
  disableDefaultRelref: true
   "params": {
      "disableDefaultRelref": true

Hidden Pages

This theme allows ye t' create hidden planks.

Hidden planks be created but not shown 'n th' navigat'n. This be useful fer planks ye only want t' access via a direct link.

When ye visit a hidden page’s URL, it will appear 'n th' navigat'n menu.

Hidden planks can also have hidden subpages, creat'n multiple levels o' hid'n.

By default, hidden planks be only hidden from human visitors. Search engines can still find them by crawl'n yer ship an' th' planks be linked 'n yer taxonomies an' ship search. Ye can prevent this wit' these opt'ns.

Opt'n T' remove hidden planks from search results, use disableSearchHiddenPages=true.

  disableSearchHiddenPages = true
  disableSearchHiddenPages: true
   "params": {
      "disableSearchHiddenPages": true

Hide from Search Engines

Opt'n T' hide planks from search engines by remov'n them from th' sitemap, RSS feed an' make them nofollow, use disableSeoHiddenPages=true.

  disableSeoHiddenPages = true
  disableSeoHiddenPages: true
   "params": {
      "disableSeoHiddenPages": true

Hide from Taxonomies

Opt'n T' prevent hidden planks from appear'n on taxonomy an' term planks, use disableTagHiddenPages=true. If this makes a term’s count zero, an empty term plank will still be created but not linked.

  disableTagHiddenPages = true
  disableTagHiddenPages: true
   "params": {
      "disableTagHiddenPages": true