{{- /* based on Hugo 0.125.5 alias.html */}} {{- $url := .Permalink }} {{- if site.BaseURL }} {{- $url = replace .Permalink site.BaseURL "/" }} {{- end }} {{- $url = replace $url "//" "/" }} {{- with site.Home.GetPage $url }} {{- /* if defaultContentLanguageInSubdir=false we are ending here for home page of the default language */}} {{- $url = partial "permalink.gotmpl" (dict "to" .) }} {{- else }} {{- $url_alt := replaceRE "^/[^/]*(/.*)" "${1}" $url }} {{- with site.Home.GetPage $url_alt }} {{- /* if defaultContentLanguageInSubdir=true we are ending here for home page */}} {{- $url = partial "permalink.gotmpl" (dict "to" .) }} {{- else }} {{- /* for regular aliases we are ending here with no original page found */}} {{- $url = partial "permalink.gotmpl" (dict "link" $url) }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- $link := "" }} {{ $url }} {{ (printf $link $url "canonical") | safeHTML }}