{{- $title := "" }} {{- with .page }} {{- if .Params.menuTitle }} {{- warnf "%q: UNSUPPORTED frontmatter 'menutitle' found, use 'linktitle' instead; see https://mcshelby.github.io/hugo-theme-relearn/basics/migration#600" $.File.Filename }} {{- end }} {{- $siteTitle := site.Title }} {{- $title = .Title }} {{- if $.linkTitle }} {{- $title = or .LinkTitle $title }} {{- end }} {{- if eq .Kind "home" }} {{- $title = $title | default $siteTitle }} {{- $outputFormat := $.outputFormat }} {{- if not $outputFormat }} {{- $format := $.format | default (partial "get-format.hugo" .) }} {{- $outputFormat = $.outputFormat | default (partial "output-format.hugo" (dict "page" . "format" $format)) }} {{- end }} {{- if eq $outputFormat "searchpage" }} {{- $title = T "Search" }} {{- end }} {{- else if eq .Kind "taxonomy" }} {{- $title = default (default .Data.Plural (i18n .Data.Plural)) .Params.Title }} {{- else if eq .Kind "term" }} {{- $taxonomy_page := .Site.GetPage .Data.Plural }} {{- $taxonomy_title := default (default $taxonomy_page.Data.Singular (i18n $taxonomy_page.Data.Singular)) $taxonomy_page.Params.SingularTitle }} {{- $term_title := default (humanize .Data.Term | strings.Title) .Title }} {{- if $.linkTitle }} {{- $title = printf "%s" $term_title }} {{- else if $.reverse }} {{- $title = printf "%s %s %s" $term_title (default "::" .Site.Params.titleSeparator) $taxonomy_title }} {{- else }} {{- $title = printf "%s %s %s" $taxonomy_title (default "::" .Site.Params.titleSeparator) $term_title }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if $.fullyQualified }} {{- if and $title $siteTitle (not (eq $title $siteTitle)) }} {{- if $.reverse }} {{- $title = printf "%s %s %s" $title (default "::" site.Params.titleSeparator) $siteTitle }} {{- else }} {{- $title = printf "%s %s %s" $siteTitle (default "::" site.Params.titleSeparator) $title }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- return $title }}