{{ partial "shortcodes/notice.html" (dict "page" .Page "style" "note" "content" "The <code>CODE-theme</code> parameter can be changed in the generator but the change will not be reflected dynamically in the page preview." )}} {{ partial "shortcodes/button.html" (dict "page" .Page "href" "javascript:window.variants&&variants.getStylesheet();this.blur();" "style" "secondary" "icon" "download" "content" "Download variant" )}} {{ partial "shortcodes/button.html" (dict "page" .Page "href" "javascript:window.variants&&variants.resetVariant();this.blur();" "style" "warning" "icon" "trash" "content" "Reset variant" )}} <div id="R-vargenerator" class="mermaid zoomable" style="background-color: var(--INTERNAL-MAIN-TEXT-color);"> Graph </div> {{ partial "shortcodes/button.html" (dict "page" .Page "href" "javascript:window.variants&&variants.getStylesheet();this.blur();" "style" "secondary" "icon" "download" "content" "Download variant" )}} {{ partial "shortcodes/button.html" (dict "page" .Page "href" "javascript:window.variants&&variants.resetVariant();this.blur();" "style" "warning" "icon" "trash" "content" "Reset variant" )}} <script> window.variants && variants.generator( '#R-vargenerator' ); </script> {{- /* the variant generator also requires Mermaid; so as there is no Mermaid shortcode involved here to create the graph, we have to take care to load it our self; the quickest way to do this is, to set the Mermaid dependency as well */}} {{- .Page.Store.Set "hasMermaid" true }} {{- .Page.Store.Set "hasVariantGenerator" true }}