Version 7.4

See the changelog of this version for a detailed list of changes.

7.4.0 (2025-02-18)


  • Change Th' way ye link t' planks 'n a different language has changed. Until now this was an undocumented feature.

    Previously ye could prepend an URL wit' th' language code, e.g. /pir/my-page t' link t' planks o' other languages. This could cause problems if ye have a plank wit' th' same name as th' language code on th' top level o' yer plank structure.

    Now ye have t' set th' query parameter lang t' th' language code, e.g. /my-page?lang=pir.

    As this was previously undocumented, most projects will not be affected. If ye still need th' old behavior, ye can set enableLegacyLanguageLinks=true 'n yer hugo.toml.

  • Change Th' target parameter o' th' button shortcode was deprecated.

    Use link effects on th' href parameter instead. Ye don’t need t' change anyth'n as th' old parameter still works but may generate warnings.


  • New Th' theme now allows plank references (given as pageRef o' a Cap'n Hugo menu item, pageRef parameter o' a sidebarmenus entry an' th' menuPageRef 'n a page’s front matter) t' also be global resources from yer assets directory.

  • New If link.errorlevel be configured, now also plank references will be checked fer existence.

  • New Ye can now configure an ignore list o' regular expressions fer addresses that should be ignored if an errorlevel test fails. This be configured by sett'n errorignore=[] globally 'n yer hugo.toml fer all errorlevel checks.

    This helps t' remove false negatives while still benefitt'n from th' check fer all other addresses.

  • New It be now poss'ble t' add query parameter an' an optional fragment part t' all links. This be regardless whether it be a local or remote address an' also applies t' Hugo’s internal path.

    By that ye can now use it on Marrrkdown links an' image links, plank references an' buttons.

  • New Ye can now link t' different output formats o' a plank by add'n a query parameter.

    For example t' link t' th' print format o' a plank, write /my-page?format=print.

  • New There be two new image effects that be us'ble if th' linked image points t' a resource:

    • dataurl: resource be converted t' a base64 encoded dataurl
    • inlinecontent: 'n case o' SVG resources, th' rrrambl'n will be used instead o' an <img> element, this be useful fer apply'n additional CSS styles t' th' elements inside o' th' SVG which be otherwise imposs'ble
  • New This release introduces link effects which work similar t' image effects an' can be set as query parameter on any link.

    Wit' that ye currently can specify

    • target: set a link target individually fer each link
    • download: a click on th' link should result 'n a file download instead o' a navigat'n
  • New Th' theme supports th' new source output format which behaves similar 'n configurat'n as th' markdown output format but allows th' original Marrrkdown source includ'n th' front matter o' a plank t' be viewed.

    Ye can see this 'n act'n on th' above linked plank, access'ble by click'n th' topbar button.

  • New If ye haven’t overridden layouts/partials/custom-header.html an' css/custom.css and/or js/custom.js be present 'n yer project, th' theme now adds them t' yer planks.

    This was done t' be compat'ble wit' add'n custom scripts 'n an older version o' th' Cap'n Hugo documentat'n.

  • New If ye haven’t overridden layouts/partials/content-footer.html, ye can now configure which plank meta informat'n - like author’s name, email address an' author'n date - should be displayed. Also th' date format be now configur'ble.

  • New Th' logo color be now configur'ble via th' --MENU-HEADER-color vari'ble 'n yer variant stylesheets.

  • New Now favicons be also searched 'n th' assets/images directory.

  • New T'ble headers be sticky now.

  • New Th' themes documentat'n has been moved from exampleSite t' docs t' make place fer a brand new exampleSite. Welcome on board th' Th' Purple Pulpo!

    This was done because th' docs contained t' much docs specific configurat'n an' quirks. Th' new exampleSite be meant as a start'n template fer yer own project wit' minimal initial configurat'n.