+++ description = "All front matter for the Relearn theme" tags = ["reference"] title = "Front Matter Reference" weight = 8 +++ Every Hugo page must have front matter. In addition to [Hugo's standard front matter](https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/#fields), the Relearn theme offers extras settings listed here. Throughout the documentation, theme-specific front matter is marked with a {{% badge style="green" icon="fa-fw fab fa-markdown" title=" " %}}Front Matter{{% /badge %}} badge. Add theme front matter directly to the root of your page's front matter. For example: {{< multiconfig fm=true >}} math = true {{< /multiconfig >}} ## Index {{% taxonomy "frontmatter" "h3" %}} ## All Front Matter Here's a list of all available front matter with example values. Default values are described in the [annotated example](#annotated-front-matter) below or in each front matter's documentation. {{< multiconfig fm=true >}} {{% include "frontmatter.toml" %}} {{< /multiconfig >}} ## Annotated Front Matter ````toml {title="toml"} +++ {{% include "frontmatter.toml" %}}+++ ````