description = "Testing different markdown constructs inside of tables"
title = "Tables"
## Lines and Paragraphs
| i |
HTML Paragraph I
HTML Paragraph II
| i |
| HTML Line I
HTML Line II |
| i |
| HTML Line I
HTML Line II |
| i |
| Markdown Multicell I |
| Markdown Multicell II |
## Headings
| i |
| HTML h1
| i |
| HTML h2
| i |
| HTML h3
| i |
| HTML h4
| i |
| HTML h5
| i |
| HTML h6
## Lists
| i |
| - HTML List Item I
- HTML List Item II
## Code
| i |
| `Markdown Inline` |
| i |
| HTML Inline
| i |
| HTML Block
## Links & Images
| i |
| [Markdown Link](https://example.com) |
| i |
| https://example.com |
| i |
|  |
## Other
| i |
| HTML Blockquote
| i |
| HTML Blockquote with nested Paragraph
| i |
## Shortcodes
| i |
| {{% badge %}}Important{{% /badge %}} |
| i |
| {{% button href="https://gohugo.io/" %}}Get Hugo{{% /button %}} |
| i |
| {{% expand title="Expand me..." %}}Thank you!{{% /expand %}} |
| i |
| {{% icon heart %}} |
| i |
| {{% include file="/shortcodes/INCLUDE_ME.md" %}} |
| i |
| {{< math align="center" >}}
$$\left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k \right)^2 \leq \left( \sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 \right) \left( \sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 \right)$$
{{< /math >}} |
| i |
| {{< math >}}$\sqrt{3}${{< /math >}} |
| i |
| {{< mermaid align="center" >}}
graph LR;
If --> Then
Then --> Else
{{< /mermaid >}} |
| i |
| {{% siteparam name="editURL" %}} |
| i |
| {{< tabs >}}
{{% tab title="python" %}}
print("Hello World!")
{{% /tab %}}
{{% tab title="bash" %}}
echo "Hello World!"
{{% /tab %}}
{{< /tabs >}} |