{{- $linkObject := "" }} {{- $u := urls.Parse .url }} {{- $path := strings.TrimPrefix "./" $u.Path }} {{- $searchLocal := .searchLocal | default true }} {{- $searchGlobal := .searchGlobal | default true }} {{- $searchPage := .searchPage | default true }} {{- $searchResource := .searchResource | default true }} {{- $site := .page.Site }} {{- $page := .page }} {{- $transSite := "" }} {{- $transPage := "" }} {{- $lang := $u.Query.Get "lang" }} {{- if and $site.Params.enableLegacyLanguageLinks (not $lang) }} {{- /* is it a legacy link into another translation? */}} {{- if strings.HasPrefix $path "/" }} {{- range $site.Sites }} {{- $lang = .Language.Lang }} {{- $prefix := printf "/%s" $lang }} {{- $suffix := strings.TrimPrefix $prefix $path | default "/" }} {{- /* with the second check we check if the prefix was finished; eg. /pir/index.html vs. /pirate/index.html, were the latter is an external address outside of this site */}} {{- if and (strings.HasPrefix $path $prefix) (strings.HasPrefix $suffix "/") }} {{- $path = $suffix }} {{- $transSite = . }} {{- $transPage = $transSite.GetPage $page.Path }} {{- break }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if not $transSite }} {{- $lang = $site.Language.Lang }} {{- $transSite = $site }} {{- $transPage = $page }} {{- end }} {{- else if $lang }} {{- with where $site.Sites "Language.Lang" "eq" $lang }} {{- with index . 0 }} {{- $transSite = . }} {{- $transPage = $transSite.GetPage $page.Path }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- else }} {{- $lang = $site.Language.Lang }} {{- $transSite = $site }} {{- $transPage = $page }} {{- end }} {{- if $transSite }} {{- if $path }} {{- with or (and $searchLocal $searchPage $transPage ($transPage.GetPage $path)) (and $searchLocal $searchPage $transPage ($transPage.GetPage (strings.TrimRight "/" $path))) (and $searchGlobal $searchPage ($transSite.GetPage $path)) (and $searchGlobal $searchPage ($transSite.GetPage (strings.TrimRight "/" $path))) (and $searchLocal $searchResource $transPage ($transPage.Resources.Get $path)) (and $searchGlobal $searchResource (resources.Get $path)) }} {{- $linkObject = . }} {{- end }} {{- else if $searchPage }} {{- $linkObject = $transPage }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- return $linkObject }}